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  1. mickeysshoes

    December Calendar

    Yes, I saw that....and that's really the park I was looking for so I can figure out if I want to do a Christmas Party or not.
  2. mickeysshoes

    December Calendar THANKS!!!!! :)
  3. mickeysshoes

    December Calendar

    I am so ready to start planning my ADR's but need to know the park hours. I might have to start freaking out if the calendar for December does not come out soon!!! :D LOL I have 23 days left to plan!!! So when might it be out????
  4. mickeysshoes

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    I like your number a lot more than my 202!!! Have a great trip with the hubby!!!!
  5. mickeysshoes

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    203!!!!! Way too long.
  6. mickeysshoes

    Trip Report More Fun than I ever Imagined on the Re-Imagined Magic!

    Oh and we got see the Magic as we left port she was still in port and all the crew aboard waves to us and they played all the horn tunes as we went by.
  7. mickeysshoes

    Trip Report More Fun than I ever Imagined on the Re-Imagined Magic!

    What: The inaugural sailing of the reimagined Disney Magic. It actually wasn’t supposed to be the inaugural sailing but the inaugural sailing was cancelled due to damage the ship sustained when crossing the ocean. I hated that for those booked, but I was not sad to be the first ones onboard...
  8. mickeysshoes

    Hi Ho, Hi Ho, First time to WDW we go....

    This is a great suggestion. Do all your shopping prior to second to last day so you can have the packages sent back to your resort. Saves from have to carry them all day. All stores will do this and its free. Only have to fill a short form with your name, address and resort info. Never had...
  9. mickeysshoes

    Narcoosee's or The Hollywood Brown Derby?

    Oh...and also watch for the water parade thing...oh the brain is now working right now. What is it called???? Anyway as it starts it will float right past.
  10. mickeysshoes

    Tough time at Castaway Cay

    We were on that same cruise.
  11. mickeysshoes

    Narcoosee's or The Hollywood Brown Derby?

    Perfect time. They have a nice deck you can walk outside and watch if you want. At that time of night the restaurant is winding down and lots of folks get up from dinner to watch from outside. Perfect ending of a birthday day in the WDW.
  12. mickeysshoes

    Narcoosee's or The Hollywood Brown Derby?

    Narcoosee's with out question. We love it here. Always have had good food and service and depending on what time your ADR's are for you can see and hear the MK fireworks. And a early Happy Birthday to you.
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