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  1. a goofy username

    Drinking around the world tips

    LITERALLY what i was planning to do also i love your profile picture
  2. a goofy username

    Non-Disco Yeti?

    Punk rock yeti
  3. a goofy username

    Drinking around the world tips

    hey everyone, thanks for all the replies and advice! will definitely take lots of pictures and post an update. sorry for the delayed response, my semester's winding down and these finals are destroying me more than any amount of alcohol ever could
  4. a goofy username

    Drinking around the world tips

    Hi so I'm heading down to WDW at the end of this month for what will be my first visit in about five or six years. I turned 21 a few months ago, so naturally I'm gonna try and drink around World Showcase. Any advice/warnings/etc.? I know there's a lot of options (especially in Germany), which...
  5. a goofy username

    (Intentionally) Bad WDW Ideas

    update the exterior of the little mermaid ride so it more accurately reflects the original VHS cover replace animatronic stitch in SGE with animatronic alex jones, shirtless, red-faced, banging on the glass and yelling about reptilian political figures make scaramucci the host of the hall of...
  6. a goofy username

    Dumb guests doing dumb things.....

    (they did the flash) they did the mountain flash (the mountain flash) it was a briar patch smash
  7. a goofy username

    Did I deserve to get yelled at?

    that's only offensive to people who still use words like "thine" and "supper"
  8. a goofy username

    Rumor Stitch's Great Escape Replacement— Don’t Hold Your Breath

    pretty sure this is just something to fill the space while the imagineers try to come up with a Mars Needs Moms ride
  9. a goofy username

    Favorite Song From The Disney Parks

    - huge fan of all the splash mountain music, so twangy and pastoral and americana-y and brings me so much joy - also love grim grinnning ghosts, it's got this late 60's pop single phil spector wall of sound quality to it that i can never get enough of - tiki room, tiki room, and also the tiki...
  10. a goofy username

    Disney's Hollywood Studios Name Change

    here's my suggestion
  11. a goofy username

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind attraction confirmed for Epcot

    not sure if it's been said in this thread already but i can see this ride as being really meta and self-referential. the way they tried to justify its placement in future world with the SSE polaroid is laughably transparent - seriously, it's like something a greedy cynical corporate character in...
  12. a goofy username

    If you could give one attraction one major update

    What attraction and what would you change/add? I'd replace the Stitch in SGE with this guy but leave the rest of the ride unchanged
  13. a goofy username

    When another Guest ruins an experience/attraction for you

    i went on pirates not too long ago with a few friends and this guy that was on our boat was very obviously a huge fan of the ride - kept reciting the lines loudly, singing along loudly, etc. because you know, flaunting his knowledge. he'd also, every thirty seconds or so, wave to the ceiling and...
  14. a goofy username

    Favorite "Little Detail"

    i loved the mickey silhouette in the window in GMR's cagney scene even though it was (i think) unofficial. EDIT: also just found out about the computer screen on the Nostromo that lists imagineers that worked on the ride, with one credited with "still programming the Witch" wow
  15. a goofy username

    My Unpopular WDW Opinion - post yours!

    i don't know if some of these are unpopular per se - soarin' is fun but sliiiiightly overrated and frankly not worth waiting in any line over 20 mins for - the all star resorts are kitschy in a good way - kitchen kabaret > food rocks - mission space isn't thrilling or nauseating - i love...
  16. a goofy username

    What is your favorite ride scene?

    knowing how the mansion's ballroom scene works doesn't lessen its impact one bit for me. always completely mesmerized by it
  17. a goofy username

    Worst Animatronics

    country bear jamboree gets a pass for me because i feel like the ride has ventured into the realm of intentional kitsch - the imagineers know very well it's cheesy and outdated, like a rundown rock-a-fire explosion in the middle of nowhere - that's part of its nostalgic charm. i wouldn't have it...
  18. a goofy username

    Ride photo censoring?

    six or seven years ago on a high school field trip i rode everest with a few kids i was friends with and one of them (burnout then, burnout now) lifted his shirt up - when we got to the TVs after the ride one of the CMs blocked our photo with a small fan. this same kid caused a commotion at our...
  19. a goofy username

    something i've always wondered about laugh floor

    have there ever been any instances in which some goon was given the mic at monsters inc. laugh floor (or any show that involves audience participation) and took the opportunity to drop f-bombs/say r-rated things? i've never seen it happen but i imagine it does on occasion
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