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  1. daguru

    Disney & Transformers?

    The Mickey Mouse is now available: &
  2. daguru

    Nova Era at Disney Again!

    I was surprised no one else had mentioned this yet, but Nova Era is performing at Disney again, this time they are setup in front of Fulton's @ DTD. According to their site, they are performing every night through 12/24. They have been there the whole month and I missed them until we just...
  3. daguru

    where is screamscape?

    Last week or so they were foreced to start migrating to a new hosting company. Looks like someone didn't update the DNS records to the new hosting provider... :shrug:
  4. daguru

    Downtown Disney Tshirt Shop?

    I just got back from being out at DTD and Wonderful World of Memories is open again, however the Hanes shop is still closed and boarded. The scrapbook section of the shop was open and they have added a new feature. Disney added one of the "Build Your Own Ear Hat" setups. It is located just to...
  5. daguru

    GM and Test Track

    With the GM sponsorship in jeopardy because of the economy, other car manufacturers (mainly US based) are in serious financial trouble, and the overall US and internation economic situation being as it is I doubt anyone would be willing to step up and take over sponsorship of the pavilion. I...
  6. daguru

    Resort Pictures of the Day

    Had a larger version of this one, but it is currently on a dead computer.... This will have to do in the mean time:
  7. daguru

    Adventurer's Club Favorite Photo

    Let's see if we can get some more members to join in!
  8. daguru

    WDW Picture of the Day Thread (Part 5)

    Time to jump back into the fray: Click the image for a larger version
  9. daguru

    Have a Kungaloosh Again! Saturday 10/18

    I personally liked the the "new" Kungaloosh on the rocks, instead of frozen... We went one night and the freezing machine was not working, so they were serving the mix on the rocks.... had more Kungalooshes that night than ever!
  10. daguru

    Seas with Nemo & Friends Broken Effects

    As many bad things I ready and hear about the Kuka Arms, it's hard to believe that Universal is rumored to be using them as a <a href="" target="new">ride vehicle</a>... Sounds a little scary to me.... one minute you are flying through...
  11. daguru

    WDW Picture of the Day (Part 4)

    Holy crap.... that is an awesome photo!
  12. daguru

    We Leave Today!

    Have a great time.... best time of the year to visit the parks!
  13. daguru

    holiday time

    The Osbourne Lights and Christmas decorations will remain up at the parks through Jan 5. Starting Jan 6, the lights and decorations begin the process of being taken down.
  14. daguru

    WDW Picture of the Day (Part 4)

    I've been reading back through the thread, needing to catch up.... I figured it was time to join in the fun... Enjoy! Looking out the back of the castle, from the Honeymoon Table!
  15. daguru

    Disney's WWoS to change complex name

    Disney's name coming off its Wide World of Sports complex Scott Powers | Sentinel Staff Writer 11:19 AM EDT, September 24, 2008 Walt Disney World's Wide World of Sports complex will be renamed the ESPN Wide World of Sports complex, signaling the Walt Disney Co.'s desire to capitalize on...
  16. daguru

    Halloween Merchandise Pics

    Most of that is the general Halloween merchandise that is all over the parks, especially out at DTD (been out for a few weeks). My wife bought some of them already :) They also have a new Jack Pumpkin head beanie, similar to the new Jack Pumpkin head votive holder, but plush... Awesome...
  17. daguru

    Disney Big announcement next week!!!

    They will probably just announce the new park in China and a new marketing scheme. I doubt they are going to announce anything "BIG" for WDW....
  18. daguru

    Please help me to start my collection

    There is one vendor on eBay that lets you choose how many pins you want to order at about $2 per pin. Most of the ones are the smaller, give away pins but you can still trade them. I use this guy so my wife always has plent to trade with.... Best deal I've been able to find!
  19. daguru

    Help with rumor

    Wait, what? :eek: What do you mean Pleasure Island is closing? :cry: hehehe... sorry, someone had to say it... :p
  20. daguru

    MOM Againt HHN Billboards

    I agree with some of the other posters, I think last year's was worse than this years. This year's is creepy, but not as bad as last years with the "Big Three"...
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