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  1. ozzel1

    Fastpass and Early Morning Entry

    Thanks! That's the info I was looking for. Appreciate it!
  2. ozzel1

    Fastpass and Early Morning Entry

    Hello everyone- it has been a while since I've used Early Morning Entry and have a question about Fastpass: Are Fastpasses available during Early Entry? If so, when is the first return time (do they kick in during early entry, or after 'official' park opening)? Thanks!
  3. ozzel1

    Fantasyland expansion construction update 12/13/11

    longtime reader - first time poster. So I make this statement knowing the skepticisim in which it will be met. the answer to the question of reusing an existing structure for the circus tents is probably the same as to why they used two walls from the old 20K for Little Mermaid - There is a...
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