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  1. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for 5.894 secs. Friday 1pm Drop Average: 1hr 0m -> 1hr 0m (+0) Up to BG 62 called at 1pm, 9 less than yesterday.
  2. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    7am drop lasted for 5.149 secs. Friday 7am Drop Average: 1m -> 1m (+0) BG's 1-14 called at 8:40am as part of the initial wave.
  3. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    Final Day 922 Stats (12/5): 7am: 5.7 secs 1pm: 1364.8 secs, or ~23 mins BG 162 (+129) is the last BG called for the day at 8:30pm. Notable stoppages: 1:51 - 2:20pm Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop Mean/Average: 7am: 4m -> 4m (+0) 1pm: 1hr 40m -> 1hr 39m (-1m) That does it for Day 922 of...
  4. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Final Day 166 Stats (12/5): 7am: 5015.4 secs, or ~1 hour 24 mins 1pm: 3040.6 secs, or ~51 mins* *the morning 7am drop lasted longer than afternoon 1pm drop BG 125 (+21) is the last BG called for the day at 5pm (MVMCP tonight 🎄). Notable stoppages: 8:00 - 8:16am 11:09 - 11:27am Average pace...
  5. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    1pm drop closed at 1:51pm, lasting for 3040.611 secs, or ~51 mins. Thursday 1pm Drop Average: 13m -> 15m (+2m) Up to BG 66 called at 1pm, 24 more than yesterday.
  6. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    7am drop closed at 8:24am, lasting for 5015.405 secs, or ~1 hour 24 mins. Thursday 7am Drop Average: 22m -> 25m (+3m) BG's 1-9 called at 8:17am as part of the initial wave.
  7. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for 1364.817 secs, or ~23 mins. Thursday 1pm Drop Average: 1hr 40m -> 1hr 39m (-1m) Up to BG 71 called at 1pm.
  8. gerarar

    News Red Car Trolley to close February 8, 2025

    Last day of operation is February 8, 2025.
  9. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    It opened on time today and is so far on its usual pace for calling BGs. Also found this comment on a reddit post from someone that talked to a CM that works the ride. They've been supposedly working on the issue during third shift, so maybe it's actually resolved now and normal operations...
  10. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    7am drop lasted for 5.712 secs. Thursday 7am Drop Average: 4m -> 4m (+0) BG's 1-13 called at 8:40am as part of the initial wave.
  11. gerarar

    The Miscellaneous Thought Thread

    Almost 5 years later, (apparently) the full preshow video is back at Indy. Looks like a recent change this week.
  12. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Final Day 165 Stats (12/4): 7am: 23.5 secs 1pm: 5721.6 secs, or ~1 hour 35 mins BG 104 (-33) is the last BG called for the day at 8:06pm. Notable stoppages: 9:00 - 10:39am 12:35 - 2:12pm 2:34 - 6:05pm 8:06 - 10:00pm Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop Mean/Average: 7am: 17m -> 16m (-1m) 1pm: 46m...
  13. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    Final Day 921 Stats (12/4): 7am: 6.0 secs 1pm: 2.6 secs* *the morning 7am drop lasted longer than afternoon 1pm drop BG 33 (-30) is the last BG called for the day at 7:35pm. Notable stoppages: 9:00 - 2:09pm 3:44 - 5:49pm 6:28 - 6:59pm 7:35 - 8:30pm Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop...
  14. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    1pm drop closed at 2:35pm, lasting for 5721.567 secs, or ~1 hour 35 mins. Wednesday 1pm Drop Average: 46m -> 48m (+2m) Up to BG 32 called at 1pm, 44 less than yesterday.
  15. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    7am drop lasted for 23.512 secs. Wednesday 7am Drop Average: 17m -> 16m (-1m) BG's 1-10 called at 10:39am as part of the initial wave.
  16. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for 2.575 secs. Wednesday 1pm Drop Average: 2hr 51m -> 2hr 50m (-1m) There is no BG being called at 1pm.
  17. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    7am drop lasted for 6.024 secs. Wednesday 7am Drop Average: 12m -> 12m (+0) BG's 1-5 called at 2:09pm as part of the initial wave.
  18. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    Final Day 920 Stats (12/3): 7am: 289.5 secs, or ~5 mins 1pm: 6.8 secs* *the morning 7am drop lasted longer than afternoon 1pm drop BG 63 (+34) is the last BG called for the day at 5:54pm. Notable stoppages: 10:47 - 11:08am 11:24 - 12:10pm 12:28 - 1:18pm 1:18 - 1:43pm 2:15 - 2:35pm 4:06 -...
  19. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Final Day 164 Stats (12/3): 7am: 7855.9 secs, or ~2 hours 11 mins 1pm: 13498.2 secs, or ~3 hours 52 mins BG 137 (-28) is the last BG called for the day at 5pm (MVMCP tonight 🎄). Notable stoppages: None Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop Mean/Average: 7am: 20m -> 25m (+5m) 1pm: 15m -> 24m (+9m)...
  20. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    1pm drop closed at 4:52pm, lasting for 13948.187 secs, or ~3 hours 52 mins. Tuesday 1pm Drop Average: 15m -> 24m (+9m) Up to BG 76 called at 1pm, 33 more than yesterday.
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