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  1. D

    My Experience this week

    Long rambling post warning. You've been warned! We arrived Last Friday on the 21st without incident. We were all very excited. My DW and Godson were already itching to do something. Not going to happen tonight. We checked in at the hotel at 9:30pm. The room at the Port Orleans Resort was OK...
  2. D

    No gratuity - good or bad for CMs?

    Did the price of the DDP go down any? Otherwise, it is essentially a 20 to 30% increase in cost.
  3. D

    Water bottle filters

    I bought these for my trip next week. They screw right onto any standard water bottle and they are $10 for 2.
  4. D

    Start paying for Fast-Pass?

    If Disney decides to use this wireless technology, I hope they use it smartly. Imagine you are given a small wireless device as you enter the park. As you enter an area of the park, you are given staggered FastPass times for each attraction in that area. If you get off one ride and know that...
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    Start paying for Fast-Pass?

    I remember when you could go on vacation and do what you wanted when you wanted.:) It soon looks like if you want to enjoy yourself, you need to know what you will want to do early enough to make reservations just to get on a ride.:( I don't want to be a master planner in order to enjoy...
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    Same day ADR?

    Is it worth trying to see if I can get an ADR for the same day because people sometimes cancel? I had to make alternate ADRs because a couple of the restaurants I wanted were booked. I want to know if it is worth trying again.
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    Best days to go to water parks?

    Are there days of the week that are better than others for visiting the water parks?
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    Extra Magic Hours...morning or evening better?

    I am staying in the park and can take advantage of EMH. I also have the Park Hopper option. From what I have read here, the park with the evening hours gets a heavier crowd. So does that mean the morning hour park is a better choice? What would be a better plan of attack considering crowds: A...
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    Rock n Roller Coaster...

    I fear, I will never get on this ride. I went down when it was under construction. Again a few years later when it was under refurbishment. I am going 9/21 to 9/30 and still won't get to ride it. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
  10. D

    Who's going in aug/sept & getting free dinning plan?

    My wife and I are taking my 8 year old God-son 9/21 to 9/30. Nothing like free food!
  11. D

    Yea!!! Just got Travel Pack from Disney!

    I was told by my agent, 3 weeks. I should get mine around the first of September. 9/21 to 9/30 Tick tock....
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    Does this include the photos that they take of you when on the rides?
  13. D

    Disney's report details deaths and injuries to the state

    If I needed aid like that, I am just going to call an ambulance into the park. Once you leave the park without an unreport of injury, they are no longer liable. That is why no one is coming to your aid.
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