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  1. Ninja Mom

    Has Fantasmic run its course?

    Thanks, I fixed it. ~NM
  2. Ninja Mom

    Has Fantasmic run its course?

    We'll see, won't we...
  3. Ninja Mom

    Has Fantasmic run its course?

    It could use some upgrades but it is still a spectacular show. I'd hate to think of how current management would dumb it down and cheapen it with any kind of a remake. Keep in mind we are now in the era of build it cheaper, charge more, offer less. Fantasmic is of the era where the Imagineers...
  4. Ninja Mom

    Latest resort stay survey questions

    Regarding the integration of technology in additional Disney vacation aspects, a large part of the problem is that the guest has to spend so much time learning the the user interface system. Think about all the different credit card readers that you see at various merchants. Some require you...
  5. Ninja Mom

    NY Times : "Disney Is Spending More on Theme Parks Than It Did on Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm Combined"

    This post is precisely is what I'm talking about. Let's just look at one area of decline with a Disney Vacation. Think about it... you check into your resort room and it hasn't been cleaned or maintained properly. That is a pretty basic expectation at any price point, let alone what Disney is...
  6. Ninja Mom

    NY Times : "Disney Is Spending More on Theme Parks Than It Did on Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm Combined"

    It's clear that we will have to agree to disagree. Eliza: Business also charge more than the market will bear. PB: I stayed off site because of the price gouging and poor quality rooms and transportation that I experienced during my prior stay. I'm not grasping the mindset of people that...
  7. Ninja Mom

    NY Times : "Disney Is Spending More on Theme Parks Than It Did on Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm Combined"

    I just returned from a RESORT off property that didn't charge either parking or resort fees. It was on Palm Parkway less than 3 minutes from a Disney property entrance. It had a free breakfast and happy hour with wine and beer and there was a free shuttle to Epcot. I paid an average of $101 per...
  8. Ninja Mom

    News Epcot Forever to debut as interim show before full Reflections of Earth replacement

    Putting the right Imagineer in charge is exactly what is needed to right the Disney Ship. Currently management seems to be a ship of fools.
  9. Ninja Mom

    NY Times : "Disney Is Spending More on Theme Parks Than It Did on Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm Combined"

    Well, to start, there is making a profit and there is price gouging. $5 dollars for 3 cups of popcorn falls under the price gouging category. $4 for a 16 ounce size (I believe) bottle of filtered tap water is price gouging. Paying an additional fee for a resort parking lot space is price...
  10. Ninja Mom

    NY Times : "Disney Is Spending More on Theme Parks Than It Did on Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm Combined"

    None of these PR fluff pieces can hide the fact that current management is eroding the Disney legacy for quality by driving up the prices and providing less in return. They have to pay the Pimp, which is the Stock Price, first, foremost and above all. Don't see it yet? Have you seen how filthy...
  11. Ninja Mom

    News Epcot Forever to debut as interim show before full Reflections of Earth replacement

    This I. P. approach is not looking promising. I had hoped that Illuminations would be replaced with a worthy successor that would inspire and get me in the "feels". I'm not seeing the need to put forth yet another Disney I.P. promotional effort. There is enough of that in the parks already...
  12. Ninja Mom

    No more live actors in ROL

    I'm so sorry to hear of these and all of the other entertainment cuts. These performers were worth it. Now ROL is reduced to a boat show. I'll say it again... decisions like these prove that the only thing the Walt Disney company is concerned about is the stock price.
  13. Ninja Mom

    Quick Review of Parks After 10 Days from an Annual Passholder

    If you are familiar with Rolly Crump and his work and philosophy concerning Disney Attractions you can see why he is disgusted with Disney and specifically WDW. I think today he would be apoplectic if he cared about WDW, which he doesn't. Reading this article (Link below) you get the sense of...
  14. Ninja Mom

    Quick Review of Parks After 10 Days from an Annual Passholder

    I long for the days when things were built on the scale they used for for Splash Mountain and the Haunted Mansion, scene after scene of marvelous stuff. Now we get things like Navi River journey with 1 anamatronic. 1 anamatronic... ! If they built Pirates today Disney is so profit...
  15. Ninja Mom

    LA Times: Rolly Crump Profile

    I've read and recommend "It's a Kind of a Cute Story". That book really gives you great insight into the mind of Rolly Crump, especially since it is written by him. ~NM
  16. Ninja Mom

    Seasonal Multi-Day Ticket Pricing Coming Soon

    And don't forget, building hotels is the low hanging fruit. Cookie cutter, hospital style hotel rooms require no creative muscle and are profitable upon opening. I see a day when Disney is going to throttle access for off site guests after the hotel expansion AND price points reach a...
  17. Ninja Mom

    Why is the first week of December so crowded?

    Straight from the Disney Mom's Panel, that controversial band of Maternal Marauders that posts all sorts of villainy, ok, mostly they post highly filtered and triple approved Disney pablum. “Can you tell me when jersey week 2018 will be” Hiya Tiffany! Thank you so much for stopping by! The...
  18. Ninja Mom

    New V.I. Passholder Events Include Some Free After Hours Access

    If it's like the DVC Moonlight Magic event Test track will be working intermittently, Frozen will be off line all night, only no one will know that so everyone will hump over there, stand in a line until people walk back out informing others that the ride is down. An amorphous group of people...
  19. Ninja Mom

    What move by disney is irredeemable or will be irredeemable if it ever happens?

    Disney permanently ed me off when they got rid of the Osborne Lights. All that space for expansion and they put Star Wars Land there. Beyond dumb. ~NM
  20. Ninja Mom

    Disney slowly losing some of what made it special.

    Everyone on here has their pinch point, even the righteous true believers that have swallowed the Kool-Aid and will defend Disney until their sacrificial lamb has been slaughtered. If you don't like the thread it's best to save your breath and just keep scrolling. That's where the problem starts...
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