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  1. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    But contracting COVID when you’re vaccinated is likely a non-issue. We need to stop acting like getting COVID is the worst thing in the world that can happen to someone. We have protection now to mitigate it. While the vaccines are very effective, they’re not full proof. But this far, they’ve...
  2. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    The science has shown that, generally, kids don’t spread it. Of course they can, but it’s rare. Extra caution is fine. But if one doesn’t believe that, they’re not following the science. I am quickly approaching the point where I won’t make my 7-year-old wear a mask indoors, because there should...
  3. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I love Germany. Great country. Love immigrants too. My only point was I think sometimes America is criticized exclusively.
  4. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Isn’t Pfizer an American corporation? I could be wrong.
  5. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    That being said, American companies created the vaccines that will bring the world out of this pandemic. It’s worth fawning over Australia and NZ for halting circulation of the virus in their own nations - but what our country did will have a far greater world impact. Surely we get a bit of credit.
  6. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Because Americans aren’t particularly good at following directions. But also worth noting NZ and Australia are the exception rather than the rule. Western Europe has had nearly just as much trouble as the US in containing this virus, at least on a per capita basis.
  7. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I can only imagine what it’s like partying with you.
  8. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Sure, but why should 2-year-olds have to mask on a plane?
  9. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I will wear a mask on a plane or even in a theme park for the rest of my days if that’s what is needed. But the requirement for 2-year-olds to wear a mask on a plane needs to go. Toddlers that young are hardly spreading the virus, and we’re the only country with a requirement that young. I fly...
  10. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    It’s almost like vaccines work. Who’d have thought? Let the alarmists seethe.
  11. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    In the absence of vaccine passports, that will never be the case. Vaccine passports or personal risk assessment will need to happen.
  12. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I think we all just need to be grateful at how well these vaccines really do protect those who choose to get vaccinated. It’s really miraculous. And thus far, we have little reason to believe they won’t continue to be effective against the variants. Elderly Americans were dying in tragic numbers...
  13. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Fair enough, and I appreciate ambition - but realism too.
  14. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Not sure you’re being logical about this man. You can’t change the idiots. Without mandatory vaccines, how do you get to 99%? If you want mandatory vaccines then say that, but just saying 99% is the goal is an emotional conclusion rather than a logical one. A better marketing campaign or another...
  15. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Right. And if you’re vaccinated and have to travel to TN, AL, or MS or someone there travels to your area... well, congrats, you’re vaccinated. The risk of them hurting you is negligible.
  16. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Reminds me of a comedy routine I saw once (can’t remember who), where the comedian was talking about how, when you look around at your fellow adult citizens - there’s no f*ing way 96% of them could be gainfully employed.
  17. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    You make good points. They’re two different groups. The former are the “vaccines cause autism” group, and the latter are the “Bill Gates is micro-chipping us” group.
  18. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Well one of the access issues I would mention (more of an intangible issue than a tangible issue) is that many people in rural America are brought up in a very socially conservative manner that emphasizes distrust in the government and other institutions from a young age. It’s a cultural thing...
  19. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Mississippi might be the last state in the country I would want to live in, but let’s face it: Mississippians have access issues that most of California’s population centers simply don’t have.
  20. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    You’re probably right, and it’s equally over the top to suggest a profile pic makes one a caring person. Let’s just agree we are all flawed, as humanity is garbage.
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