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  1. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    You’re right, and I may have inappropriately used the word “consensus.” However, you also understand the general point that it is widely believed it will become endemic. Why not prepare for that outcome?
  2. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    The flu is reasonably harmful. In normal years, it kills tens of thousands of people in the US alone. While COVID-19 seems to be more transmissible, the fact that we have effective vaccines (right now) means we could get COVID-19 down to the level of influenza with the necessary vaccination...
  3. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    It’s not necessarily always going to be pandemic-level. At this point, one could even argue there is no longer a pandemic for the vaccinated. Endemic just means the virus circulates in the vulnerable population but does not cause the level of death and illness it once did. The Spanish influenza...
  4. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I’m not a doctor, but I have a hard time believing we’re going to use human behavior, or mask away, a virus that is as transmissible as chickenpox. Increasing vaccination rates will certainly help, but you’ll never vaccinate 100% of the world population. How do you totally eradicate a virus...
  5. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Yes, that will likely be the case. A lot of people have such a visceral connotation with COVID-19 at this point that even if we could get enough people vaccinated to get COVID-19 down to the level of seasonal flu - any increase in case numbers will spark mitigation efforts. It’s a new world.
  6. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    It’s largely scientific consensus that COVID-19 will become endemic. The likely outcome is what we should prepare for rather than the desired outcome.
  7. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    COVID-19 is always going to be with us. It’s way too transmissible of a virus for “zero COVID” to be a realistic goal. I think smallpox is the only virus that has been totally eradicated. People will have to make their peace with that.
  8. bryanfze55

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    J&J does appear to be less effective than Moderna and Pfizer against all variants. I wouldn’t call it “crappy” in absolute terms - but maybe in relation to the mRNA vaccines. My point is, we should not say the lambda variant evades vaccines if Pfizer and Moderna remain relatively effective -...
  9. bryanfze55

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    I also read an article yesterday that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are able to neutralize the Lambda variant. Posted 7/29. —— Experts are confident that the vaccines available for the coronavirus, including Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson and Astrazeneca, are effective at...
  10. bryanfze55

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    I’m convinced we need to take COVID seriously, but cloth masks are not going to prevent mutation. They just aren’t. It’s not masks, masks, and masks. It’s vaccine, vaccine, vaccine. That’s where we differ, I suppose.
  11. bryanfze55

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    I didn’t share the picture, but can you give me one good reason why it’s wrong to explain to people that COVID is not statistically more dangerous to their kids than the flu is? Context matters, and it’s not as simple as saying “COVID is the flu.” It may help alleviate concerns for people with...
  12. bryanfze55

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    It’s not bad, just nonsensical. I’m sure others think things I do are nonsensical. We are all different, and that makes the world function. However, I think in this particular case, the science is on my side. I believe the opposition is making an emotional decision whereas I’m making the logical...
  13. bryanfze55

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    My kids get the flu vaccine and will get the COVID vaccine once available. At the same time, have you really seen the statistics? Your kids are at more risk when you drive them to school. I don’t want my kids to get COVID, because I don’t want them to suffer any inconvenience in their life - but...
  14. bryanfze55

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    So we are burdening the responsible vaccinated individuals because of speculation? We have no reason to believe there’s going to be a super mutant that evades our vaccines completely and is super transmissible. Could it happen? Sure. But that is ALWAYS going to be the case. I’m not sure what we...
  15. bryanfze55

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    I understand that. I may have misstated, but I was relaying that the vaccine is available for anyone over 12 EXCEPT for those with rare medical conditions. The flu vaccine is available to children under 12 and even with that, more die from the flu than COVID. Contrary to popular belief, many...
  16. bryanfze55

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    One of the key reasons people always said COVID was worse than the flu (and I agreed) is because we had a vaccine for the flu and not for COVID. Well, now we have a vaccine for COVID that is a magnitude more effective than any flu vaccine and also readily available to everyone over 12 (and for...
  17. bryanfze55

    Disney to mandate full vaccinations to employees

    Like Steve Rogers up there, I am pro-vaccine, I have my vaccine, and I want everyone to get it. With that being said, it seems odd to mandate a vaccine that hasn’t been FDA approved. I mean, I took it before FDA approval due to my own personal risk assessment - but as far as I know, every...
  18. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Eventually we’re going to have to stop looking at case counts as the end all, be all. Hospitalizations and deaths are what matter. If you’re vaccinated, get COVID and basically have a bad cold/mild flu - so what. My county just reinstated indoor mask mandate last week due to rising case counts...
  19. bryanfze55

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Quite the contrary. Vaccinated people are the ones who will still think about safety measures… not all vaccinated people, but many will. Unvaccinated people likely didn’t care about safety measures to begin with.
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