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  1. F

    Attractions that need FASTPASS

    Not to many, Pirate and IASW and INDY but besides those I really can't think of any. Defiantely not Body Wars because everytime I have never encountered a wait and Universe of Energy same deal.
  2. F

    I Need Help Please Anyone!!!!!!

    I really need help on knowing how the crowds are going to be. I am going October 29th through November 2nd and have no idea how long the lines are. Can someone please enlighten me and tell me waht I can expect. Thank you very much in advance.
  3. F

    IOA in Hollywood?

    Well now this would be well uh...........impossible. The room there is slim to none. They already had to take a lot of it from the studio and there is no way a whole additonal park could be built here, it just wouldn't be phesiable.
  4. F

    Halloween Horror Nights - 13 Years In The Making...

    Hey Catch I gotta deliver some bad news. When we called they said kids had to be thirteen or above to go but someone else might definately confirm this but I am pretty sure this is the rule.
  5. F

    OMG check this out!!

    Thanks guys your all so nice here!!
  6. F

    OMG check this out!!

    Well that was just to get you to look in here but TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
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    Seinfeld Trivia

    Well English Patient but that really isn't ringing a bell so I do not think it is that one. Now, it might be the new Merryl Streep movie but beyond those two guesses I have no clue.
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    Seinfeld Trivia

    Well ya know I really got no idea. My only guess which is coming out of nowhere would be when they show a five second clip of him going to Connecticut but other than that its a real stumper. I'd like ya to tell me.(LOL)
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    Seinfeld Trivia

    Yes it has but I thank you anyway for trying to ask one, its nice of you. Anyways, the answer is Death Blow.
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    Seinfeld Trivia

    Well now is anyone else besides me and Vandelay going to ask some questions?
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    Seinfeld Trivia

    easy one. War what is it good for.
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    Seinfeld Trivia

    Alright last one for me then someone else can start asking them. Okay lemme think here......When they are in court name the law that they broke in the town that got them in court? Bonus:Name the town.
  13. F

    Seinfeld Trivia

    Joseph and the Techno Colored Dreamcoat right?
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    The D-Fibulator!

    What the he** I'll give a stab at it. Here it goes! 1)F 2)T 3)T 4)F 5)F 6)T 7)F 8)T 9)F 10)F
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    Seinfeld Trivia

    I got no clue but hey I'm also from Milwaukee. small world. I believe it was like Devil Jerry or something, I know she mad fun of him in it
  16. F

    Seinfeld Trivia

    Okay this is a really hard one so I'm gonna give ya hint right away. Who was Susan's old college roomate from out of town? HINT:It starts with an S
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    Seinfeld Trivia

    ah easy one! not sure on the spelling but his name was Russel Dowlrippel.
  18. F

    Seinfeld Trivia

    Well actually Newman was Farcus and Feldman was Kramer and you were right with Jerry being Kevin and even George is crossing my mind right now. OKay someone else ask one, this is fun!
  19. F

    Question on Disney Packet

    Okay so this is the first time we have booked directly through Disney World. Now today in the mail came some confirmation stuff but what confsued me was the keys came already? Now are these the keys or park tickets or what and there was some like silver like string thing in there with it. I...
  20. F

    Seinfeld Trivia

    Okay I got a question. In the bizarro world episode what are the names of all the characters on the other side?
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