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  1. nick-pappageorgio

    Linking a ticket with less days than your stay

    Sorry, I was thinking about MDE. Would I be able to link said old ticket as well as a new unrelated ticket to my account? Has anyone tried that?
  2. nick-pappageorgio

    Linking a ticket with less days than your stay

    yeah.. I didn't word that first post very well. I was thinking new ticket with more days on it, but thanks for the info. Have any of you tried to link more than one ticket to a person's account?
  3. nick-pappageorgio

    Otter exhibit refurbishment

    I thought Henson still had that property, like the Fraggles.
  4. nick-pappageorgio

    Which Moderate for you and why?

    French Quarter no contest (I have done 3/4) Coronado is nice but just too stinking big. I liked Beach but it just feels "old" and not very well maintained. I have never stayed at Riverside. The theming there is pretty good, but feels just a little too spaced out. FQ is small, everything is...
  5. nick-pappageorgio

    Otter exhibit refurbishment

    With all the glass and what not they would really have to want the Anteater space to mess with a move like that.
  6. nick-pappageorgio

    Linking a ticket with less days than your stay

    Has anyone had experience on this... I have one non-expiration ticket left over from a previous trip. I am going buy additional days, but was contemplating if I would do that now or later. My question is how does the Disney system treat a ticket that is linked and shorter than your stay...
  7. nick-pappageorgio

    AVATAR progress

    Speaking of Google earth, has anyone else noticed the large plot of cleared land, north of Asia and to the east of Kilimanjaro Safaris? If Avatar isn't going there, what is that plot for, or has it always been like that?
  8. nick-pappageorgio

    Has anyone read the Kingdom Keepers?

    I read the first was okay to good...decent writing and a somewhat intriguing concept (to a fan at least). It seems like in the second book the writing went downhill. The writing just got so painfully bad, (especially the dialogue) that I just had to quit. Seems like it they would be...
  9. nick-pappageorgio

    "Rapid Fill" Mugs Coming to Walt Disney World Hotels

    I have never had a problem with this policy, and have never reused mugs or used them in a manner that this system would prevent. But this whole thing just feels too "big brother" to me. Like we assume our guests will cheat the system so we will police them to the ounce of soda. And maybe that...
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