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  1. W

    WDW Trip Without Going To MK, AK, MGM or Epcot

    We are going alot for now, but we certainly will be going backto Busch Gardens since its 20 minutes away with FREE BOOZE! We also plan on switching to Universal Studios Season Passes for next season and we won't go for a full year. By switching parks we keep them fun and interesting and the...
  2. W

    WDW Trip Without Going To MK, AK, MGM or Epcot

    Please explain to this Moron what DQ and PI is!! Thanks!
  3. W

    WDW Trip Without Going To MK, AK, MGM or Epcot

    We are season pass holders and were wondering if anyone else who goes weekly ever went just to see places like Fort Wilderness, The High End Hotels, and Downtown Disney? For example: Is there really anything cool to do at Fort Wilderness? Can you even go there? Is Downtown Disney worth a half...
  4. W

    River Country Location

    Can anyone tell me roughly where River Country is located in the park? Can it be seen from any of the monorail rides? Thanks!
  5. W

    Splash Drop vs Everest Drop

    I have the same problems with my wife when it comes to the better rides. I found a GREAT WAY to get her adjusted to riding scary rides. I started her out at Busch Gardens and I filled her up with ALOT of the FREE BEER at Busch Gardens. I also gave her some painkillers until she was pretty well...
  6. W

    Tower Of Terror Door Timing

    I am new on the board and was fortunate enough to move near WDW and now have season passes. The last time my wife and I went before we started going weekly was 2000. The TOT doors stayed open ALOT longer when we rode it in 2000 and it sure seemed ALOT more fun! Is this just my imagination or did...
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