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  1. jdmdisney99

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Season 3

    Like in the Apprentice TV show, several members from the losing team go to the "Board Room" (a different thread in this forum), where they defend themselves. One of them is then eliminated/fired from the competition. You, tcool, and Sam4D23 are up for elimination right now in that thread.
  2. jdmdisney99

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Season 3 - The Board Room

    <here begins the Challenge 1 Board Room, @tcool, @Sam4D23 and @Brer Panther are all up for elimination, you have twenty-four hours to plead your case>
  3. jdmdisney99

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Season 3

    Please do come up with the other two soon. :)
  4. jdmdisney99

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Season 3

    tcool plus two others per usual.
  5. jdmdisney99

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Season 3 - Discussion Thread

    This ad is a classic. CHILLS
  6. jdmdisney99

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Season 3 - Discussion Thread

    REALLY curious what we all sound like to you now.
  7. jdmdisney99

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Season 3 - Discussion Thread

    Fixed. EDIT: Just kidding, you can still call me Trump. Because we all know the hair is usually in control. His latest antics are because his real hair is on sick leave and he brought in a controversial substitute.
  8. jdmdisney99

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Season 3 - Discussion Thread

    This was very close.
  9. jdmdisney99

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Season 3

    Challenge 1 - Results The winner is Team Mickey. The runner up is Team Goofy. The third place team is Team Donald. The loser is Team Oswald. @tcool who will you be taking to the Board Room?
  10. jdmdisney99

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Season 3

    Challenge 1 - Critiques Team Mickey - Project Manager @Zweiland, @Bucfan87, @RMichael21, and @Zweiland From top to bottom this was just a really strong proposal. The logo was great, and the idea that the Muppets are lampooning a theme park is a perfect callback to their lampooning of a...
  11. jdmdisney99

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Season 3

    Theyre coming guys, dont worry!
  12. jdmdisney99

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Season 3

    FYI, my critiques will becoming a little bit later, as I am currently out of action. They WILL be on here before 10 PM EST. :)
  13. jdmdisney99

    Hall of [More Recent] Presidents

    Right now the Hall of Presidents features three speaking presidents: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Barack Obama. If you were to add another speaker in a future addition, who would it be? Reagan? Kennedy?
  14. jdmdisney99

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Season 3 - Discussion Thread

    The marketing campaign for Episode VII has been perfect so far...
  15. jdmdisney99

    Main Street U.S.A. hub redevelopment at the Magic Kingdom

    Ah yes. Before Sleeping Beauty's dad stopped serving food in Cinderella's castle. ;)
  16. jdmdisney99

    The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Season 3

    16 years ago today, Discovery (née Treasure) Island closed.
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