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  1. Oddysey

    Has Disney met Half way with Epcot fans?

    I consider myself an Epcot purist and miss the original theme of Epcot Center considerably. However, many areas of the park have been shuttered for a long time, and the lack of a cohesion in FW is so poor that if someone were to visit with no prior knowledge of its history, they would likely...
  2. Oddysey

    News Major Hurricane Dorian impacts to Walt Disney World 2019

    I have lived in Polk County most all my life and have had the eye of 4 hurricanes pass right over me when it was often forecasted not too. That said, we purchased all needed supplies yesterday, and down the road will make a decision on whether to board the windows or not. I am slightly nervous...
  3. Oddysey

    News Spaceship Earth Refurb - 2 Year Closure

    In all I think you have made some strong and reasonable observations. Maybe my optimistic approach is just me hoping against hope.
  4. Oddysey

    News Spaceship Earth Refurb - 2 Year Closure

    I think you are absolutely on to something with the dessert parties, and if not dessert parties, I suspect the top floor will be monetized in a way that encourages exclusivity in its use. Not sure about TDO adding IPs to SSE. I didn't see that in the presentation, and am slightly optimistic...
  5. Oddysey

    What is something you ALWAYS do in Magic Kingdom?

    Bump into somebody or be bumped into.
  6. Oddysey

    CM Attacked at ToT

    Has any video come out? Surprised I have not seen anything. Virtually anything unusual is filmed these days.
  7. Oddysey

    Park Ticket price potentially increasing

    Through page 3 which is as far as I have read, this is the only statement that you have made that is not incorrect and/or completely false.
  8. Oddysey

    The fallacy of "If you can dream it..."

    I keep this Walt Disney quote in my media room. Fantastic quote imo!
  9. Oddysey

    Ever had this happen before? A turnstile saga...

    As a fellow AP holder, I would be deeply disappointed if you didn’t walk in with at least a little attitude. As an exclusive group, we are obligated to live up to our entitled reputation. Make me proud ;)
  10. Oddysey

    Ever had this happen before? A turnstile saga...

    You’re probably right. Nostagia can certainly alter perception, and is probably the primary reason I continue to give Disney significant sums of money on annual basis.
  11. Oddysey

    Incident at Epcot today(March 6th)

    Your correct in that I was generalizing and alcohol may not have played a part in this specific scenario. I admittedly expressed a quick thought from my phone that was more pertinent to my feelings of how the “WS” and Epcot overall is currently managed. I will admit I failed to be specific in my...
  12. Oddysey

    Incident at Epcot today(March 6th)

    Or that litany of data that demonstrates alcohol tends to amplify aggressive behavior in those that are naturally more aggressive by nature. Such an extreme “logical fallacy” I have made. :rolleyes:
  13. Oddysey

    Incident at Epcot today(March 6th)

    Is it really necessary for me to dig up the litany of research done on the links between alcohol, violent behavior and lack of impulse control?
  14. Oddysey

    Ever had this happen before? A turnstile saga...

    Congrats @draybook! It appears that you are no longer the whipping boy in this thread as another poster supplanted you in the “lack of respect for CMs” column. Once upon a time I remember this forum being filled with posters who exhibited much grace towards other posters. It was a time when...
  15. Oddysey

    Incident at Epcot today(March 6th)

    Consequence of having year round alcohol festivals and a showcase dressed with club/party scene lighting.
  16. Oddysey

    Ever had this happen before? A turnstile saga...

    Yeah, I have been looking for them to scrap it for a while. Not really sure what else they can do to implement it in a way that is effective. The current signage certainly isn’t doing much to help. If anything, the big Mickey head may attract non-APs to the line. Especially those who do not...
  17. Oddysey

    I Found Katiebug 2.0

    I am honestly questioning if this person is really serious or not.
  18. Oddysey

    Ever had this happen before? A turnstile saga...

    To answer your question, I have never seen this happen. I always wear the AP accessory that comes with my magic band on the actual magic band. I expect that may mitigate the issue. Although, I have often seen non-APs go through the line ahead of me. That said, I don't really see anything wrong...
  19. Oddysey

    'rude' or 'ignorant'......that is the question.

    Lots of false assessments in this thread. I am from the south (hence 15 year passholder), and being from the south I didn’t realize the word “no” sometimes followed by “thank you” is so offensive. Although I suspect that to people who have not been told “no” often it may be offensive. I have...
  20. Oddysey

    'rude' or 'ignorant'......that is the question.

    Wow! Before and after. You may be the first person I have heard of doing this. It makes sense to do so if you really think about what is on your hands and the potential for contamination while taking care of your business. I get picked on in my family for washing mine too much. My hands usually...
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