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  1. zelie

    2014 Dining plan

    LuckyK thank you very very much fbp My free dining offers will be available til end of 2014 nox there is an offer but in the UK website, but I don't the end of the offer
  2. zelie

    2014 Dining plan

    Thanks for the answer So if I understand , I can take a meal and a dessert in the list ,right?
  3. zelie

    2014 Dining plan

    For my 2014 vacation, I have the free QSDP I'd like to know what we'll have in the CS. Can we chose what we want in the list or not ? It´s our first time in WDW and I have some problem to choose the place where we can eat I don't know if it' s the good word to explain what I mean ( I'm french...
  4. zelie

    Trip Report Our August 2013 Trip - Like No Trip We Have Done Before!

    Thanks for all these references
  5. zelie

    Trip Report Our August 2013 Trip - Like No Trip We Have Done Before!

    Great !!! I see it´s very different than in France We don ´t have those characters ( I mean like that ) except during the sunday brunch with a different thema every sundays I think we go to spend very good vacation
  6. zelie

    Trip Report Our August 2013 Trip - Like No Trip We Have Done Before!

    I read your trip report with a real pleasure I take some notes for my vacation in 2014 august Sorry if my english is not so good but I'm french :)
  7. zelie

    First time to WDW in 2014

    First time to WDW in 2014
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