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  1. N

    do airport employee's get a discount ?

    Disney is alittle conservative with their interline discounts. You may get something with cruiselines and hotels though. A friend got a really good discount on a cruise and he works for UPS as a truckdriver. Since UPS is also a registered airline he was eligible for interline rates. Hes not...
  2. N

    Monorail Expansion

    all of those liberals up on beacon hill are more corrupt than when michael eisner was running disney. Just kidding mass. liberals are 10 times worse...
  3. N

    Do you think they will ever extend the Monorail?

    How switching works... (according to wikipedia) Straddle-beam monorails require that the beam structure itself be moved to accomplish switching, which originally was an almost prohibitively ponderous procedure. Now, however, the most common way of achieving this is to place a moving apparatus...
  4. N

    Do you think they will ever extend the Monorail?

    firstly, for those who say that there would be massive backup when any park closed probably has never ridden the subway in a major city. In NYC's financial district or London's Canary Warf area, during rush hour, 10's of thousands of people pass through single stations, yet there is no backup...
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