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  1. jobo

    Low crowd trends? Is this true?

    So true, as I said above I was there a couple of weeks ago now and was seeing wait times as you suggested for TOT around 10-20 mins mid afternoon, RNRC maybe around 20-30mins and over at MK SM was never any longer than 40mins All in all it seems a lot quieter than previous years
  2. jobo

    Low crowd trends? Is this true?

    Was at the world from mid to end of June and crowds were a lot lower than any year previous (been going same time every year since 1998)
  3. jobo

    Should I take a complimentary resort upgrade?

    From my understanding (and that of a deluxe resorts manager) its due to over selling... apparently a lot of the values/ mods have been over sold through the end of the year so upgrades is the only option Disney have... BTW long time reader just never poster :)
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