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  1. S

    Rumors. Musings. Casual.

    Yeah some of the stuff the proposed was bonkers and very out of touch. Saying “we want you to know what it was like to be a slave” is….something to say. I’m sure they meant the way that historical sites around the country educate you on that sort of thing, but you gotta choose your words...
  2. S

    Rumors. Musings. Casual.

    One of the most ludicrous claims of that backlash (which did have legitimate criticisms to it mind you) was that the park was somehow on “sacred ground” because it wasn’t super far from manassas Nothing says “honor the fallen” like urban sprawl instead…
  3. S

    Rumors. Musings. Casual.

    it’s especially bad in studios. There’s zero relief to the crazy big waits to the rides because the park is the size of a postage stamp and only has E tickets for the most part. You need some basic Omnimover rides there to take those people out of lines and pathways and occupied elsewhere
  4. S

    Rumors. Musings. Casual.

    Hey when I’m not there, go for it. I’m not storing vats of ice cream on the counter so I could care less. But when I’m in the room? Let me set that sucker to a meat locker. Considering how much they charge for the rooms to begin with
  5. S

    Rumors. Musings. Casual.

    When I was on my honeymoon in November, there was a certain point you couldn’t lower the AC past without maintenance coming and overriding it. Wanna say the lowest you could set it was 68 or 67 but I might be misremembering
  6. S

    Rumor Stitch's Great Escape Replacement— Don’t Hold Your Breath

    There’s already rumors the simpsons is going to get replaced by something else sooner than their contract expiration in 2028; It doesn’t mean Disney *should* do something with it, but it’ll give them options to do so
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    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    It’ll be interesting how they configure things. I’m trying to remember, but the briar patch was a pretty decent sized space correct? I figure it’s a given there’ll be a shop attached to this in some way, but curious of whether they’ll utilize that or put it further in the back near where the...
  8. S

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    I just don’t like when it stays in place for an extended period. I do see your point regarding that immediate opening period; I think you can certainly see where it’s warranted then. I believe splash has a fairly extensive queue footprint though, so hopefully that means they’ll be able to keep...
  9. S

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    I agree wholeheartedly here; with something like Rise I could understand because the reliability of the ride being what it was/is, it made managing crowds easier. For everything else? Let people wait in lines; if it’s too long for them to want to wait in then they won’t, as humanity has done...
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