Search results

  1. T

    No standard rooms at the WL

    We are going the first week in December and also staying at the WL. We made our reservations in March for standard rooms at rack rate, hoping for some sort of discount. We got the e-mail and the only rooms available were courtyard view, but we took them anyway because we really want to stay...
  2. T

    Email Rates for Dec.

    Hey Rambler5678, I got the email too...I was so excited because I've never gotten a postcard or anything. We have 4 rooms reserved at the Wilderness Lodge in December and I was able to get each room for 7 nights for a total of $1069!! We are saving $500 for each room!! Yeah!!!
  3. T

    Have you heard of ING Direct??

    I saw this on another message board as a suggestion for Disney saving and thought I'd pass it along. Basically, someone gives you a referral link to open a savings account with ING Direct, an FDIC insured online bank. ING will deposit $25 into your new account and deposit $10 into the account...
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