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  1. SFSC26

    Awesome Everest Update

    as far as i could tell from the drawn out layout for the mummy itsnt that long...but its intense...which is a good point....i just felt that all the publicity the backwards portion is getting that it could be used to blow everone away...but disney always brings a surprise to the table....also i...
  2. SFSC26

    Awesome Everest Update

    the sad thing about figuring the track layout out was that the only backwards part so far is...well...short..i mean the helix is gonna be intense but thats it...and then you pull out and drop 80 feet...but i hope the rumors are true that there is another section that when u meet the yeti you go...
  3. SFSC26

    Awesome Everest Update

    and... also if you've already noticed or not on the clay model that can be seen here: that when the track nears the top of the lift it makes a smooth left turn as does the red line and...when they annonced the ride they mentioned that ur train...
  4. SFSC26

    Awesome Everest Update

    how the switch works having looked at all of the recent pics and diff. viewpoints of construction i wanted to help people out about how the track layout is setup. in the pic. above the rider enters from the red line and then goes up the small incline is held there. behind them the switchtrack...
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