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  1. discott99

    News D23 Expo 2022

    We don't talk about Figment.
  2. discott99

    News D23 Expo 2022

    Almost there (to a share price of $0)
  3. discott99

    Rumor Figment, well, to be replaced by Figment

    Do any hypothetical plans to refurb Imagination include a return to the original pavilion color scheme and signage? Both were perfect and should definitely be included in the (hopefully) next iteration.
  4. discott99

    News D23 Expo 2019

    Is this a joke?
  5. discott99

    Bob Chapek Confirms Disney Will Overhaul Epcot

    As far as I'm aware, they really don't exist in the classical way we think of them, like the '64 fair. They're more focused on specific issues, like green energy, and garner almost no media attention.
  6. discott99

    Bob Chapek Confirms Disney Will Overhaul Epcot

    Of course Epcot has remained popular. I'm not denying that the message doesn't resonate with a plethora of people. But take a look at Epcot over the past 25 years, since its rebranding from EPCOT Center into Epcot. What has happened to the park since then to keep attendance afloat? Festivals and...
  7. discott99

    Bob Chapek Confirms Disney Will Overhaul Epcot

    I think that the question of why EPCOT Center worked in the 80s is pretty loaded. From my observations, the popularity of EPCOT Center in the 80s and early 90s directly coincided with the end of the post-war mentality in mainstream America. As such, the end of the Cold War in 1991 may have...
  8. discott99

    Bob Chapek Confirms Disney Will Overhaul Epcot

    Which is why we’ll unfortunately never see a marvel like Horizons in Epcot again.
  9. discott99

    Bob Chapek Confirms Disney Will Overhaul Epcot

    It is indeed a sad assessment of our society, but unfortunately quick cash grabs and shallow stories are what makes Disney money.
  10. discott99

    Bob Chapek Confirms Disney Will Overhaul Epcot

    I agree that the current corporate administration of Disney is creatively bankrupt and inept. This is yet another reason why we will never see a return to form at EPCOT Center. With regards to those educational documentaries and shows you’ve referenced, although they may be relatively successful...
  11. discott99

    Bob Chapek Confirms Disney Will Overhaul Epcot

    You make a valid point regarding the longevity of out of park IP's; it's very hard to say how long they'll remain popular. However, I think that Disney is at least competent enough to roughly estimate whether or not a property has staying power. If it is the case that a property like Frozen...
  12. discott99

    Bob Chapek Confirms Disney Will Overhaul Epcot

    I need to preface this by stating that I am a huge fan of what EPCOT Center had to offer back in the 80s and early 90s; the attractions and experiences were novel and incredibly well designed. What we need to understand, however, is that these experiences are never returning. Ever. The fact is...
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