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  1. T

    It's a Small World UPDATE!...

    The one when the man was ran over by the boat, I will have to ask my parents about the date when it happened.
  2. T

    It's a Small World UPDATE!...

    You must be talking about another death.
  3. T

    It's a Small World UPDATE!...

    Well I heard he slipped and hit his head and he was under water not moving because he was knocked out and then the boat ran over him. And if u wanted to know I was at the part before the drop in the dark when the ride stoppeed my boat and then we had to wait 20 minutes before they came and got...
  4. T

    It's a Small World UPDATE!...

    And the thing that supprised me the most when that person died that day is was the ride was open again that night. I can not believe Disney did that they should have looked into the problem some more and changed the problem.
  5. T

    It's a Small World UPDATE!...

    I was on the ride when that person died on Splash mountain in 2000 so it is true.
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