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  1. B

    Talking Mickey and the 'Next-Gen' project - the future of your Disney park experience

    Long time reader and fan of this site(10+ years), but rarely ever post. I have to say I am quite surprised with the reactions I am reading regarding this project. This type of infrastructure investment is literally a game changer for the complete theme park experience. When Disney has this level...
  2. B

    Space Mountain track replacement questions

    Actually, state regulations and building codes have immense control regarding how a roller coaster is designed. The state provides the various static loads that the coaster must endure (such as wind, snow, earthquake, personnel, etc). From this, the structural /civil engineering department...
  3. B

    Space Mountain track replacement questions

    The larger track that you refer to represents a different method of engineering design. Instead of using multiple repetitive supports like the current WDW Space Mountain, the box frame of the larger track increases the rigidity of the track segments and allows them to span greater distances...
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