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  1. Sir. Figment

    Okay, so we have removed one attraction from each park. Now lets add one!

    So I'm going to assume this includes both previously exsisting and conceptualized attractions...that makes this even more of a challange... MK - A new mountain (Be it Bald Mountain...which would be amazing visually...or the rumored Fire Mountain...take that barren 20000 Leagues lagoon and put...
  2. Sir. Figment

    If you could remove ONE attraction from EACH park....

    Well gee...this is tough...I'm partial to just about anything...but if I had to choose... MK-The Speedway (I know it's a classic...and I know it has quite a bit of sentimental for a number of people...but it's antiquated...SLOW...and takes up a tremendous amount of space) Epcot -...
  3. Sir. Figment

    Disney Insomnia

    All I know is the night before we left for our last trip (which by the way was TWO years ago...and I don't know when we'll find the cash to go anytime soon!) I felt like that Disney commerical where the kids can't sleep...the parents send them to bed...and then we cut to the shot of the giggling...
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