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  1. Sands611

    Trip Report That Guy's Report 8-1 to 8-9 2014

    Trip update. We bailed on the DME form hotel to MCO airport. It was absolute chaos. There was a family with little ones screaming and when I say screaming i am not exaggerating. So, we spent 65 bucks and took a van to the airport. #peaceandquiet
  2. Sands611

    Trip Report That Guy's Report 8-1 to 8-9 2014

    that is good to hear... solo, no $ help... I can retire? Holy Heck! :-)
  3. Sands611

    Trip Report That Guy's Report 8-1 to 8-9 2014

    Packing... Flying out today and going home. Resort regret and great memories. Laughs and some not so pleasant moments. The highs- Keys to the kingdom for my wife and oldest daughter. My oldest is doing the CP (College Program) next semester and the conversations, information and insight she...
  4. Sands611

    Trip Report That Guy's Report 8-1 to 8-9 2014

    My favorite of the fireworks photos I shot this entire tri-, right here. Taken at Yacht & Beach Club at the 10 PM fireworks looking over the water (boardwalk) into Hollywood Studios. It was PERFECT skye, winds and weather.
  5. Sands611

    Trip Report That Guy's Report 8-1 to 8-9 2014

    I shoot a Nikon D800 (full frame) and I carry three lenses on vacation. In the park I am either shooting a Nikon 70-200 2.8f or a Nikon 24-70 2.8. I use fill flash in almost every shot in this harsh florida light outside so I am also using a Nikon SB 700 speed light.
  6. Sands611

    Trip Report That Guy's Report 8-1 to 8-9 2014

    Thanks, believe it or not these type of photos are easy to take and you DON'T need $10,000 in gear to do so. Any camera you see that is a DSLR and a tripod can pull most of these off. The key is, stability. You have to have a tripod or a solid base (no movement to camera), Get out of "green" or...
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