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  1. Ariel1986

    News Beaches & Cream closing Aug 5 for refurb and expansion

    I do think it looks less tacky and more space is good- are there any booths though? They really should of added some booths and not put the glass at the bar to help it keep some of the old feel.
  2. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    We continued to walk along the Thames to an area in London called the Southbank. There were some Christmas stalls here and a little Christmas festival! I don’t seem to have taken any photos of it, but I had some mulled wine (a warm spiced wine drink we drink loads of here at Christmas!) and we...
  3. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    Tower of London- check! Tower Bridge- check! After I had tried my best to give a history lesson on the Tower of London... Henry IIIV, Crown Jewels, etc. etc. we walked along the Thames River to our next destination... The Copa Club bar because they had these awesome “igloos” for the...
  4. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    Saturday 17th November We woke up this morning and with what had become a tradition already, had coffee and crumpets whilst chatting for an hour before realising we were running late for this days plans! Alisa was learning getting ready in winter in England means a lot more layers and time then...
  5. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    Ok let’s get started on Disney Twin Adventures in London & Paris shall we? 😊 Thursday November 14th So @dclfan arrive in England in the morning of November 14th and I met her of course with a dinosaur balloon! 😂 We actually went from London Gatwick to one of the largest Primark stores in...
  6. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    Thank you so much for reading along! I’m glad you liked it and found it fun! 😊 We had fun! Have the best time on your trip next month!! I just want to be going back right now lol. But yes, DLP tickets are very cheap compared to here! I’ll get posting about it soon!
  7. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    Thanks for reading! At least the last day is a fading memory now- and I'm sure another trip will help to make up for it...!
  8. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    Thank you for following! I think you're right, being there longer you think you have more time to do everything, so you relax a little too much. But that last day comes around all too quickly!! But of course, definitely another reason to go back! I already feel we've been away too long and I'm...
  9. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    Shortly I will post a mini report of the epic London/Paris twin adventure...! I can't believe even that was over 2 weeks ago now!
  10. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    From here we decided to have one last drink at Jocks. Of course! At least we managed to visit one of our favourite bars multiple times this trip! Before Jocks I actually popped to Ghirardelli to use our last snack point, and grab a free sample too. I bought the white chocolate peppermint bark...
  11. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    Monday October 7th We woke up around 7am and started getting ourselves ready and our bags packed to leave. Originally we had a crazy plan to go an offsite supermarket super early to buy the things we hadn’t managed to the other day (we were too hot in the sun and full after our visit to Chevy’s...
  12. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    After relaxing at Beach Club for an hour or two, at 8pm we decided to head over to Magic Kingdom and walk to the Contemporary and see if they could seat us early. We ended up at the check-in stand at about 8.45pm and asked about being seated early- they said they would try and we could sit at...
  13. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    I tried to not let all these thoughts cloud my mood though and just enjoy the resort for the next hour or so. We actually played a quick game of pool in the DVC lounge which was fun as Russ had wanted to- and then we headed to the pool with some drinks. Even though it was cloudy today it was...
  14. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    We continued on round World Showcase, slowly strolling and looking at the pavilions. R2 was back briefly to sit outside America with us. We had a look at the Epcot preview again. This actually just made me feel more nauseas than it had yesterday after a while though so we headed out...
  15. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    Ok let’s get this trip report finished!! Only 2 months after we got home...! :facepalm: :joyfull: Sunday October 6th We actually both woke up at 5am. I had set our alarms for 6am to get us to AK for a 7am rope drop. At 5.30am I said do we want to? We both couldn’t really decide- but then I...
  16. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    As the opening bars started and then the first fireworks went off… I realised I had made a mistake! THIS close… the fireworks are blocked from view by the castle! DOH! Well, you can see parts of them, but not much. Silly mistake, of course the castle would block the view! We couldn’t even move...
  17. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    The sky was pretty tonight! Next up, Philharmagic- this is a must! Still one of my favourite attractions, I just love it. I’ll be sad when the update happens if some scenes are replaced, but also excited that it will become even more immersive! We had a FP for 7DMT next- always fun in the...
  18. Ariel1986

    Trip Report DVC, Dinosaurs, Buckets & Booze! Now with added London & Paris! COMPLETE!

    First up I wanted to get one of those zoom-in/out photos from the hub. I think these are so cool! I want to put ours onto a canvas like a “where’s wally” for us in the MK! Whilst we were queuing the sun was setting and I was trying to get a nice selfie as the sun was setting so the light was...
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