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  1. F

    Universal now charging for their Express Disney next?

    Hey, if you look at Universals Web site, you can find out that they are charging for extra Express Passes. They are calling it the Express Plus pass. Anybody know how much it costs? Anyone use it before? I wonder if Disney will be next in charging for FASTPASS tickets?
  2. F

    New Light outside Mission Space

    Disneyland atmepts to replicate the Mission:Space Ladder!!!! Hey guys.....not be be out done by it's WDW counterparts, Disneyland creates there own version of the Ladder ride on Tom Sayer's Island!!!! I wonder which one will be better????? Disneyland's Mission:Space Ladder
  3. F

    Disney slashes Forbidden Mountain budget!!

    hello....can we get a reality check here? help me here.... Where did we lose touch that we a getting a VERY cool thrill ride here, and we’re still not happy? Why are complaining about a STANDBY queue, which less than 20% of the Guests will see? Even if what was talked about for the...
  4. F


    what does F.L.I.K Stand For? Hope you're sitting down for this..... F - Faboulous L - Line I - Information K - Keeper Don't believe me? Go ask some of the more knowledgable Cast. I thought some one was joking tell I found out they were serious. At least we know some one at Disney...
  5. F

    Surprise Fastpass!

    yes the Surprise FASTPASS tickets exist! BUT they are not always given out.....that's why they call them surprise FASTPASS tickets.
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