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  1. J

    Adding flight info to an exsisting reservation

    Does it show up on MDE? I can't remember in the past if it did or not. I seem to remember seeing it when doing the online checkin though. Can anyone confirm if we see it on MDE?
  2. J

    'My Disney Experience' website now supports PIN code reset

    I wish they would allow multiple cc's so that we can assign pins to the proper people ahead of time too
  3. J

    Phantom Reservations?

    I've had that too, where Kidani occassionally shows up in the middle of our itenerary. No one in our Family or Friends list is staying there, or has ever stayed there. Very Strange. It comes and goes too. Not there all the time
  4. J

    BOG FP - Invalid Email or password error

    Quick update. I was finally able to log back in again last night. Made my choices, took a screen print. Only problem now, is that it doesn't show up on the BOG FP main page where it shows "View details..." Should I be concerned
  5. J

    BOG FP - Invalid Email or password error

    Hmmm, I just went through all of the accounts that I think I have through Disney, and all have the same log ins...This is so frustrating!
  6. J

    BOG FP - Invalid Email or password error

    I'm only using 1 email. My wife's email is having the same problem. My Father in law booked it under his own email. Like I said, I was able to log in before with no problems. Now I can't all of a sudden. I know of many other people who suddenly have the same problem. Just wondering if...
  7. J

    BOG FP - Invalid Email or password error

    I'm within my 60 day window. The strange part is that everyone in my party under our room reservation is having the same exact problem. My father in law who has the rest of our family under his reservation for the same time period, has no problems... I was able to log in, in the past, but now...
  8. J

    BOG FP - Invalid Email or password error

    Anyone else experiencing log in issues? I was able to log in to the BOG FP website in the past. I recently tried logging in to book a reservation for lunch, and am now getting the invalid email or password error. My wife is actually getting the same exact error. My FIL who is under a...
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