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  1. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    LOL Oh yeah I've said it before..There will always be someone who will find something to fault..Myself included:drevil:
  2. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Bingo!! Thats exactly what I was trying to get across at the beginning of this thread. This could be done very well and re-invigorate the oldest park and give it some fresh blood. Or they can go cheap and cutback and have it blow up in their faces.
  3. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Depends on how willing Disney is to staying true to the original plan or if they are willing to make concessions for the sake of cutting costs..and if there is one thing I seen stated here time and again is that TDO is willing to take the cheap way out given the chance.
  4. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Oh I agree, my thought is if you CAN put them to use all the better if not then thats ok too...I sure given that they are already looking to cut costs now, then not having to tear down and build new tents would certainly help costs
  5. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    LOL:ROFLOL: And we saw how well that worked for Homer Now all we need is a quote from Peter Griffin :P
  6. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Judges Tent, Circus Tent....any reason why they can't slap some paint on these and re-use those?
  7. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Thanks much appreciated..I didn't start this with the intent of it becoming a rant but Ill be darned if it didnt end up that way..
  8. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Thanks I am sorry I know I could have been far more diplomatic and composed in my responses..I think for future reference I will try and keep a more level head
  9. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    I agree and I am sorry it got out of hand..I just know alot of people who will be disappointed if PH bites the dust.
  10. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Maybe..its not worth turning it into a shouting match over..I just think i took up the mantle of advocacy for the other side of the argument..
  11. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    At least both sides would get their say instead of just hearing what boys want and deserve
  12. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Again I apologize..didn't mean to turn this into a flame or a rant..Just feel that there was nothing wrong with the original vision of FLE..I will let it go now
  13. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Gee cause I get OUT..I have a wife I have daughters, neices sisters, female friends..I actually get out of the house and TALK to people of the opposite gender, do YOU?
  14. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Sorry I stand corrected..heat of the moment and all
  15. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    But that IS the consensus an earlier poster said why does everything have to be gender neutral? Disney's legacy was Princesses..Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, the list goes on..It certainly isn't because BOYS like it.
  16. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Yes we do so long as I only see one side of the arguement being represented here.. Guys want this guys want that well ya know what girls want too
  17. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Ohhh so if they don't what? Storm the gates in protest we shouldnt consider what they want?? Ok well Ill go rally up a few thousand 10 yr old girls and parade them in front of TDO just to make YOU feel better
  18. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    EXACTLY Girls love FL!! And where is the expansion. FL..I would bet if you asked THEM if Pixie Hollow should stay they would overwhelmingly say yes. Say what you will there are attractions geared towards boys..Heck you all were just screaming for BOY related stuff..why if it should be geared for...
  19. Loehnwulf

    Al Lutz: Tom Staggs stepping back and reconsidering many aspects of FLE

    Oh please thats crap..The Pirates M&G was an answer to the Princess M&G just the Woody cowboy show was an answer to the Princess castle show. The Pirate lair witht he facepainting is the boy equivalent to the Bippity Boutique. Heaven forbid the girls have anything that is uniquely their own, it...
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