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  1. A

    How Many Days for You...(Part 5)

    8 more!!! 15th-22nd @ Swan :D
  2. A

    What are your Best and LEAST favorite resorts you have stayed at and why

    CBR 2003 was the most underwhelming for us. Long walks, poor housekeeping and not up to "moderate" standards in my opinion. Boardwalk 98 was the most memorable . Had a balcony room right over the middle of Boardwalk, great service and a spotless room.... and the last trip with no kids :veryconfu...
  3. A

    How Many Days for You (part 4)

    71 days and counting....AKL 7 days. Last year we had the worst snow storm of the year in NE Ohio during the same period when we stayed at Beach Club and it was most gratifying. :ROFLOL:
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