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  1. 8

    will any new ride replace body wars any time soon?

    This info was on, I believe, MousePlanet and JimHill (I know I saw it several times but cannot remember exactly where). Any CMs care to confirm or deny?
  2. 8

    CoP alive and well

    Don't get me wrong -- I LOVE CoP and I sing the song loud and clear everytime I ride it....however, it will never be in the same league as Pirates or Mansion -- Pirates has swashbuckling adventure, HM has 999 ghosts and cool visuals, CoP......has a guy sitting at the kitchen table.
  3. 8

    will any new ride replace body wars any time soon?

    The rumour going around is that Body Wars is long gone and in Hong Kong -- the whole ride was transported there lock, stock and barrel.
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