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  1. B

    Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon

    I heard the half today was really the 40's, snowy and Florida. Let's hope us princesses get some better weather....I don't even train outdooors here in MI, did 8 miles on the track today....boring, but warm!
  2. B

    Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon

    We actually just upgraded to Port Orleans for $10 more with a pin code they emailed me. I think they got my email from signing up for the free Disney Planning DVD on the Disney website. They didn't give any prob about changing. The mail reason we did it was for the hot tub afterwards and the...
  3. B

    Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon

    I heard there is a party that evening, we already booked our flights home for 7pm that night. We figured we would come in a few days earlier and do the parks when we still could walk, lol! I'm a bit bummed I didn't know about the party before I probably would have stayed until Monday. Oh...
  4. B

    Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon

    I'm with you there, this is my first 1/2 too!
  5. B

    Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon

    I read somewhere than our hotel (POR) has showers and lockers, but it would be nice not to have to pack everything up and have the hotel hold them til we come back, it would just be easier to leave the room and know we can come back and then check out instead of trying to do it in the wee hours...
  6. B

    Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon

    My mother and I are doing it, all booked and ready...well except for the training. Hope to hear some good info. I was wondering if anyone knew if the WDW resorts allow a late check out the morning of the race.
  7. B

    Protecting Your Children!

    I think its a great idea, esp for little ones who can't talk yet. Getting separated "lost" could be very scary for any kid, regardless if its only for a few minutes. Also, if my 6 yr old got lost, I wouldn't be half as worried as if my 2 yr old did. A school age kid has been trained to do...
  8. B

    The great "stroller" conspiracy.

    We have 2.5 year old twins along with a 7 year old. Our 7 year old did without the stroller when he was 5, although there was one time while we were waiting for the parade where he crashed in his sisters and actually fell asleep. We are active, but we do need a stroller with the little ones...
  9. B

    All Star Movie room request and grocery help

    Thanks for all of your help. I posted this question on another board and got just one response, I know where to go for help now. I appreciate it! No need for delivery, we have the car so its no big deal and would just be easier doing it ourselves and letting my older son go in and pick out a...
  10. B

    All Star Movie room request and grocery help

    Is there a certain location on the way from the airport and do you need a special card to get anything on sale? We don't have Publix here.
  11. B

    All Star Movie room request and grocery help

    We are going to All Star Movies in two weeks, a few questions. We are renting a car, mainly because we have 3 young children and really don't want to be a the mercy of the buses. Anyway, we want to pick up a few things (diapers, wipes, milk, snacks, etc) on the way from the airport. Which...
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