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  1. W

    Be Our Guest Reservations

    My wife and I were trying to call from 7:00 for two straight hours and never got through. At 9:00 we were able to make the reservations through the DVC line so we got lucky there. I hope everyone is getting their reservations as well. However, we haven't been able to pull up the reservations...
  2. W

    How does your young child sleep in the same room?

    Off site doesn't necessarily have to be the only option for a suite. Have you checked out the new Art of Animation which is all family suites right now. I'm not sure how the prices compare, but it might be a better option. Our daughter was only 14 months when we last went and she slept fine in...
  3. W

    T-Rex: What to order...Help me get psyched!!!

    Well, I agree with a previous responder about the noise...that alone was enough to make me not want to go back. I had the big burger (I forget what it's called) and it was really undercooked compared to what I asked for. So I didn't really have a great experience. I would really suggest going to...
  4. W

    So excited!

    My wife and I are new members as of June and we took our first trip in June and the second one is, sadly, not until February. We bought directly from Disney, but got a pretty good deal with the 20th anniversary bonus points. Congratulations!!
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