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  1. ohhector

    Our road trip, resort hopping, HOT, HOT, HOT trip report: August 9-21, 2010

    Thanks for the in depth recount =]
  2. ohhector

    Going solo (well, at least I had my camera as company!) 04/26-29, 2010

    ErickainPA: I definitely plan to do another solo trip again. I want to check out Disneyland, and that might be a good solo venture! castevens, Disgal, mickeysshoes, corey154, Soaringirl, lilclerk, harvey0206: Thank you all so much for your lovely words. I am glad you all enjoyed the report and...
  3. ohhector

    Going solo (well, at least I had my camera as company!) 04/26-29, 2010

    (I have a few more photos I haven't uploaded to my Flickr account yet...when I get the rest of them up I will be posting them here!)
  4. ohhector

    Going solo (well, at least I had my camera as company!) 04/26-29, 2010

    Doing Disney Solo: Not that I care much about what people think of me, especially strangers... I was a bit interested however in seeing what the general reaction would be to me being at WDW alone. I wondered if parents would look on me weird, a single young adult walking around amidst all...
  5. ohhector

    Going solo (well, at least I had my camera as company!) 04/26-29, 2010

    Misc Notes: Well, that's it for the daily rundown of my trip. Now, a few last minute notes and observations! [Another one of my favorite areas in AK!] 1) There was LOTS of construction all over the place, I have NEVER seen the parks in such a state. From the spot across...
  6. ohhector

    Going solo (well, at least I had my camera as company!) 04/26-29, 2010

    Thursday, April 29, 2010 Last Disney day! Oh no! [Not sure if this statue has always been there, but this was my first time noticing it] I woke up to a very cold morning. I thought I had left my room AC on too high, but when I got up and looked out the window I realized it...
  7. ohhector

    Going solo (well, at least I had my camera as company!) 04/26-29, 2010

    Wednesday, April 28, 2010 [This little corner is one of my fav spots in AK] Went back to Animal Kingdom to finish off what I missed the day before since I had to leave early. Still in pain a bit but much more manageable so I was able to make it through the day without much...
  8. ohhector

    Going solo (well, at least I had my camera as company!) 04/26-29, 2010

    Tuesday, April 27, 2010 The night was spent half awake. I developed a toothache that kept me up and lingered for the rest of my trip. Long story short, I couldn't really do anything about it on my trip, but I did get it taken care of later. It really messed me up for 2 days straight...
  9. ohhector

    Going solo (well, at least I had my camera as company!) 04/26-29, 2010

    [Peter Pan!] I made sure to visit right in the midst of EPCOT'S Flower and Garden festival. I saw this when I went to Grad Nite back in '99 and I loved it. One of my favorite things about Epcot is the landscaping, so visiting during the festival only made sense. Beautiful topiaries all...
  10. ohhector

    Going solo (well, at least I had my camera as company!) 04/26-29, 2010

    [Epcot!] Hello folks! Inspired by Mr. Bricker's wonderful honeymoon WDW recount, I thought I would share with you an account of my last trip there. I am a Walt Disney Word lover, and have been since my early youth (as you can see in the photo below). I went at least once every year til I...
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