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  1. Mrs. Hinsley

    How Many Days for You... (Part 7)

    336 Hours for me.. I am freaking out.. .. We are all packed and ready to go.. Now I just have only 5 more days to physically be in the office at work. I cant wait!!
  2. Mrs. Hinsley

    Mama Melrose's ... Honest Opinons Please

    I think with the package we can order 1 appetizer, 1 entree, and desert.. What appetizer would you recommend? I didnt see any on the menu that appealed to me.
  3. Mrs. Hinsley

    Mama Melrose's ... Honest Opinons Please

    Thanks! we already have an ADR for Via Napoli during our stay and I am looking forward to it based on the reviews!! .. we will stick to MM just because we dont really care for Hollywood and Vine.. the food to us is subpar the last two times we ate there.
  4. Mrs. Hinsley

    Mama Melrose's ... Honest Opinons Please

    The steak looks good!!! thanks for sharing the pics! My DM will most likely go for the steak being the picky eater she is.
  5. Mrs. Hinsley

    Mama Melrose's ... Honest Opinons Please

    Thanks Everyone for all of your responses! Im torn because I have heard so many different opinions, My DM doesnt like Hollywood and vine we have had them twice in the past and we defnintely want to do the fantasimic package. I guess we will just keep the ADR and hope for the best.. eventhough...
  6. Mrs. Hinsley

    Mama Melrose's ... Honest Opinons Please

    Hi - I booked MM for lunch at HS with the Fantasmic dining package. My DD is excited but my DM wants to change resturants. She doesnt think she will like it after seeing the menu and reading some of the reviews. What are your thoughts on MM.. I am on the verge of cancelling my ADR today.. But...
  7. Mrs. Hinsley

    Got selected for fastpass+

    We got choosen too and have my DD going who is 10.. We are a party of 3.
  8. Mrs. Hinsley

    Selected for Fast Pass Plus

    we got an email from Disney this evening for fast pass plus for our trip.. My DD was so excited about it.. Im just bummed it was for only one day at the MK.. But I guess one day is better than none.. I cant wait to see what this new system is all about. Making the reservations on the site...
  9. Mrs. Hinsley

    Best Milk Shakes at Disney

    Thank you! The milkshake looks great!!
  10. Mrs. Hinsley

    Question about Art of Animation little mermaid section

    Thank you! That shouldnt be that bad for my Mom.. No rental car for me.
  11. Mrs. Hinsley

    Question about Art of Animation little mermaid section

    Hi All, I was wondering if anyone has stayed at the AA since it opened. I am scheduled to stay there in two weeks with my DM and DD in the little mermaid section. My only issue is my DM is over 60 and is a slow walker. We stayed at CS last year November and she loathed walking from the main...
  12. Mrs. Hinsley

    Best Milk Shakes at Disney

    Hi all, I am new to posting to the threads although enjoy reading all you guys have to say about WDW and have planned my upcoming trip accordingly. I have a question. I love Milkshakes and wanted to know your take on the best milkshake you have had at WDW.. resorts and parks included...
  13. Mrs. Hinsley

    15 More days until my Happy Place....

    15 More days until my Happy Place....
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