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  1. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I just read the whole thing and it was interesting info regarding how other organs are at risk. And I agree that it's a danger that needs to be learned. However, I noticed all the data they're citing is from critical patients in hospitals. And it was always a small percentage of critically ill...
  2. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Anyone know what the numbers are for damage short or long term for people not in the high risk group? I'm hearing it a lot lately by lay people during "debates" and don't hear it much at all in what I'm hearing and reading from medical pros. But it seems to be the big response when someone...
  3. P

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    The last few pages here have posted a lot about infected bus drivers and Walmart employees, etc. Was listening to a stream regarding Covid-19 stats today and still an amazing survival rate for those under 65 (with the majority being asymptomatic). And this was what caught my attention, the #1...
  4. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Maybe before anyone posts anything they read it to check for sounding like a complete first? Not name calling, simply a public service announcement from a place of concern.
  5. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Well, this thread is fun.....
  6. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    I keep thinking that economics are playing a role in this and it's just not talked about by the heads of parks and state since it triggers people. Since Orlando depends on the big park tourism and pretty sure Paris could squeak by with their Disney park. But wondering if there are conversations...
  7. P

    News Reopening Walt Disney World - an official statement

    I found it interesting that when hearing Bob Chapek speak about reopening, his phrase was repeated and well crafted. "We do not have a plan for reopening THAT WE CAN SHARE AT THIS TIME". Do we focus on the first part or the second part? Or is this conspiracy minded and I should remove my tinfoil...
  8. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Yeah, did you mean 1? Yeah, I've been saying the same thing about stay at home orders were to flatten the curve to protect the hospitals from being overrun. They're ready now and know more about what their dealing with all the time. It was never the goal to stay inside long enough to stop the...
  9. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Man, I could have sworn they said the theme parks could open at their own discretion in Phase 1 as of a week or two ago? Did I imagine that?
  10. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Just want to say that I appreciate everyone in here, even the stupid ones. Lol. Someone tag me if we start arguing about super heroes abilities or unique names of crayons, cuz I feel those topics real hard.
  11. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    I'm also wondering about masks for guests. They won't stay on during a lot of rides either. And will they cost guests? Big enough offense to get kicked out if not wearing one? These have been brought up as reasons why Disney will wait I know, but curious how the mask think plays out. Also so...
  12. P

    What's Still On and What's Now Off

    Hah, I was waiting for more after "still wrong". Guess it stood on its own. Wasn't exactly sure what was wrong about but, but it's crystal clear now. Yeah what kind of satanic cult wouldn't bring a phone? Thx.
  13. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    I hope this is true. Thank you very much for sharing here.
  14. P

    What's Still On and What's Now Off

    Must be a local thing and I feel for your step sister. However my wife and I are executives at a top 5 hospital in the nation and have daily meetings and videos chats with heads of hospitals and the CDC regarding all things Covid-19. The situation you've described is polar opposite to 90% of the...
  15. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    May is not likely. Also, I just saw the Gov of Mississippi on TV and he said the spike caused them to pause, but found it was due to a data dump so it's being ignored and full steam ahead. And only a few states are not moving forward with reopening and they seem to be politically motivated...
  16. P

    What's Still On and What's Now Off

    Can't say what I do for work, but I get daily reports and video meetings about and from the CDC. This is the most intelligent take on what we are dealing with. Facts over fear is refreshing.
  17. P

    What's Still On and What's Now Off

    This Yep. I have been saying this exact thing. And to add to that, even though Covid -19 is a little deadlier than the different flu viruses we get each year, we have a vaccine for them....half the people don't get it each year?? Point being that we will see very soon that our reaction to this...
  18. P

    June 1st reservations & just not sure

    Yeah, we have reservations for a few days earlier than that and aren't super hopeful right now. Based on big park heads being on the committee that shocked everyone by saying parks could not only open in phase 1, but at their own discretion, I believe it will not be long before they open in some...
  19. P

    WDW Reopening Estimates

    Lol. Disney will open soon. Florida needs them to, airlines need them to, Disney as a whole needs them to. They're saying Covid -19 will be making an impact on us for over two years. The heads of the major parks are the ones laying out the plans saying they can open in Phase 1 at their...
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