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  1. mariak

    Who's Excited for their Next Disney trip? Details and why.

    OP, that is going to be Epic for everyone. Wow! We're going mid-november. I'm especially excited because AKL is my favorite resort (brought tears to my eyes when we were leaving Sanaa the last time we were there, on the final night of our honeymoon) and we were originally booked in POR, but I...
  2. mariak

    Should we just drive? (from ohio)

    Ah, thanks for this.. I've actually never been on a flight with layovers before, so I wasn't sure how the luggage was handled. LOL got it.. To those who commented that it's too early for most flight schedules - Thank you!! Thanks so much for the info everybody. I can't get comfortable with...
  3. mariak

    Should we just drive? (from ohio)

    Forgive me for the virtual throwup of stress/anxiety/questions in this post. I'm pretty sick to my stomach right now. The last time we (my husband and I) visited was in Feb. 2014 for our honeymoon. Flights cost us close to $800. Still is a lot of money, but they were non-stop flights (from...
  4. mariak

    What makes you tear up/cry in the parks?

    Not in the parks... but on the last full day of our honeymoon in '14, we ate dinner at Sanaa at AKL and as we were walking down the path to the busses (it was dark out and the subtle lighting of that resort is so gorgeous) I was taking in the atmosphere of just being *there* and I just had tears...
  5. mariak

    New Magic Bands and "nicknames"

    Ah, okay! Thanks for the info! I can stop stressing now :joyfull:
  6. mariak

    New Magic Bands and "nicknames"

    Hi all My husband and I received magic bands when we went to Disney in 2014 - and we currently have a trip booked for November of this year. Will we receive new magic bands, or should we sniff out our old ones? Additionally... his name is Robert, but he goes by Bobby. When we went...
  7. mariak

    What do you think of these dining plans?

    Good idea! I always struggle with HS because I love sci-fi but I hate to use two table service meals in one day, but I will have to look into that. I've never tried Mama Melrose. Thanks! I really wish we had more days to fit this in! I have heard really great things about it. Might have to...
  8. mariak

    What do you think of these dining plans?

    Ah thanks! I just made our 'Ohana res for Tuesday. Late for us at 8:05 but that's okay. We will likely pay OOP for the Sci Fi for sure.
  9. mariak

    What do you think of these dining plans?

    I know this is wholly subjective and everyone has different tastes, but FI are taking our Honeymoon in February because we got an awesome deal with value season + free dining, and I'm not sure if we're making the most out of our dining plans or not. I'm really trying to get a Be Our Guest dinner...
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