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  1. disneyREINA

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion This article needs to be shared a million times. 10 million cases predicted if we don’t start isolating ourselves. no one understands that there aren’t enough ventilators or US...
  2. disneyREINA

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I’m just wondering if they’ll allow me to cancel my resort res at the last minute and still get my refund. I have the discover ticket and I have no desire to go back unless it’s in the fall. So if they allow me to put the 1000$ That I spent on the tickets on an AP I would rather do that than be...
  3. disneyREINA

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    does anyone know if they plan on staying closed after the end of the month??? I don’t know what to do! My trip is booked at 3/30-4/5. They say they’ll be open on 4/1. I don’t know if I should wait it out or if I should cancel???
  4. disneyREINA

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    It’s not the flu. It is a specific mutated strain of coronavirus. We have loads of coronavirus (I am a respiratory therapist) patients, they are not covid19. The flu is worse and has killed WAY more. This is a respiratory virus only it won’t affect anything else. it will give you pneumonia type...
  5. disneyREINA

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    Hi I don’t want to start a new thread about this so I’ll ask here if anyone knows... we’re coming the first week of April (usually a death trap due to spring breakers but don’t have a choice due to a convention that week) my question is, if I plan on going to HS on Saturday do you think I’d get...
  6. disneyREINA

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    Wow what a very intricate process lol. Then challenge almost makes it fun! although getting out of the door and to the park That early with a 13 yr old, 3 yr old and 4 month old will be interesting. I hope it’s worth it! I heard that its Amazing so I’m willing to try.
  7. disneyREINA

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    What do you mean you got a “backup group” does that mean your group might not have been called? If you were in the park by the time it opened how is it you could havehad a chance of not riding? are there just mobs of people running to the ride at precisely 8am? You just happened to be behind a...
  8. disneyREINA

    New additions timeframe (Tron, Gaurdians etc)

    I know they say 2021 and “by the 50th anniversary” but does anyone know when that actually is? By end of summer? Mainly for Tron and Gaurdians of galaxy? I’m getting annual passes but want to try and purchase them so that they expire after the opening of the new attractions. What do you guys...
  9. disneyREINA

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    Thanks for all the info. Do you know the rider height for this? I have a 3 yr old I’m assuming can’t ride? Do they have child swap, or how does that work?
  10. disneyREINA

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    Why would you need to be in the park at opening if you have 2 hours before needing to get to the actual ride line?
  11. disneyREINA

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    Omg no way haha wow good thing I asked! I would have been waiting at the park at 7am! why is everyone saying to be there at 730 if you only need to join a group via the app? I’m so confused 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
  12. disneyREINA

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    . Got it !! And can one person wait in the line with the others bands who will be riding or does every person have to be in the line? We have a 2 yr old and 4 month old so I wasn’t sure about the whole baby swap thing or if they’d have to wait for ever in the line for nothing
  13. disneyREINA

    Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance

    Hi sorry if this question has been answered but I’m trying to get a quick response since I’m running around at work I can’t read the forums... Is it still required to show up at 7am for the boarding groups in order to ride for the day? We’re going last week of March so I wasn’t sure What the...
  14. disneyREINA

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    Omg wow 2-3 minutes!?? Woowww ok thanks I’ll read up!!
  15. disneyREINA

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    Has this died down at all? I heard you must be at the park by 8am to run to rise of resistance in order to get on a boarding group for the day. Is this still true? If we arrive around 10am will we get a spot? I know it depends on time of the year, we will be there last week of March.
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