Tokyo Disneyland Resort Expansion


Well-Known Member
Kilimanjaro is phenomenal but I don't think it's really fair to compare it to "normal" theme park attractions.

Ya that’s why I actually think there is actually parallel best ‘attraction’ lists and best ‘ride’ lists. Though many are both and the line is increasingly blurred as more show elements are expected in the queues. Rise sort of fully broke through that barrier.

A weird distinction, but it’s how I’d recognize Rise, Kilimanjaro, Fairytale Forest and Disneyland’s Fantasmic together in the same breath.


Well-Known Member
'Attraction' on the whole is probably Rise.

"Ride" on the other hand is extremely messy. Depends on what one is in the mood for, there's been a lot of good stuff recently.

Shanghai Pirates might be the front runner, it's pretty much all ride and not queue floof. But people like their animatronics.

Mystic Manor? RSR? Hagrid's?.
I think all of these are valid except Hagrid's. It's a fun ride, yes, but to me it's little more than a tricked out roller coaster that's part of a larger trend of coasters featuring switch tracks and forwards/backwards launches. Hardly worth mentioning in the same breath as the others you've mentioned. I mean honestly, without some sort of standard approach to measurement the concept of "best" is foggy at best.


Well-Known Member
, but to me it's little more than a tricked out roller coaster that's part of a larger trend of coasters featuring switch tracks and forwards/backwards launches.
I’ve seen some unjustified takes on here but to reduce Hagrid to “it’s a little more than”? ……..

Try much more; a great deal more. I agree the drop track and backward switch segments have been overused on coasters and thus overhyped——nothing novel with those.
But those attributes do not take away Hagrid’s other impressive features: 7 launches, eye popping ride vehicles, well positioned AA’s(2 or 3 outdoors), elaborate Q, track length/ride time, outstanding sound system and script
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Well-Known Member
I think all of these are valid except Hagrid's. It's a fun ride, yes, but to me it's little more than a tricked out roller coaster that's part of a larger trend of coasters featuring switch tracks and forwards/backwards launches. Hardly worth mentioning in the same breath as the others you've mentioned. I mean honestly, without some sort of standard approach to measurement the concept of "best" is foggy at best.

It's always going to be wildly subjective. There's really no way to objectively determine "best".

A ride can be objectively the longest, the fastest, have the biggest drop, etc. (i.e. things that are actually specifically measurable), but everything else is going to be personal opinion.
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Well-Known Member
I think that there can be good attractions full of AAs and physical sets AND good screen-based attractions. I enjoy work made by both WED and many of the newer WDI attractions and think both are capable of great work.

While your feelings are valid (as are the feelings of many others who prefer classic Pirates), I can't help but wonder how many people have actually DONE the Shanghai Pirates ride in person vs. judging it from screens. I maintain that actually experiencing an attraction makes a tremendous difference in judging its value. And because not many people here have actually been on the newer ride, and people can have all sorts of opinions on some combination of the resort being so different, the country it's located in, and/or the current capabilities (or lack thereof, as the case may be) of modern imagineering, I feel like the resort in general and Pirates specifically, as that park's obvious showcase, get hit with a lot of nitpicks (not saying you specifically are one of the people doing that). I know for myself that a lot of the criticisms I had read about the place melted away when I was actually there, and I suspect the same would be true for many people were they to experience the ride in person.

That could well be me reading into people's responses and forming my own judgments accordingly, but I do feel that there's a lot of apprehension in general whenever anything Shanghai is brought up from many people, and that inevitably colors discussion of everything there for them, including discussion of its signature ride. YMMV.

This is a really great point about how first hand experience can really make all the difference. For Beauty and the Beast, the motion of the ride vehicles adds so much more than I expected from videos and really made the big "empty" seeming rooms feel more like a dreamlike space to move through in this almost dance

I suspect the water based Frozen Journey may have some of those same benefits from its gliding, sliding, rotating boat system.

“Almost certainly”. Hmmm???
To be the best/impressive in the world it would have to fire huge on all cylinders:

And I can guarantee it will not be the best facade and likely not the best queue.

These are really arbitrary criteria: facade in particular has me scratching my head. Indiana Jones was widely considered the greatest ride in the world until Spiderman came along, its facade? Entirely forgettable. Breaking it down into criteria is certainly a useful exercise but to outright dismiss two attractions no one has ridden based on your expectations for their facades? That's just nonsensical

In terms of ambition and scale, I think Rise would also be the top. The technical achievements are mindblowing (when it was working 100% at least), but it's not going to impress everyone the same due to lacking a large number of AAs. Shanghai Pirates would also get docked a few points for lacking a preshow that most of the other top-tier attractions have. And going old-school we would have to include IJA for sure in that discussion.

I think Rise had a fantastic queue, some very creative pre-show elements but frankly I came away a little disappointed. The same criticisms leveled at Forbidden Journey's dome screens can be said for the escape pod sequence in Rise. Similarly, the criticisms that Frozen Journey or Beauty and the Beast are "empty" devoid of human scale set dressing are absolutely true of many scenes in Rise where we're essentially just trundling along through star wars themed hallways. Very few AA's, big gun effects that don't work anymore, a Kylo Ren climax effect that works maybe 50% of the time....

I get that this is a Disney forum but Spiderman, Forbidden Journey, Jurassic World at Beijing, the updated Jurassic World at Hollywood, even Secret Life of Pets are clear evidence to me that Universal is capable of making great dark rides. I enjoy those a great deal (haven't tried Beijing's) and welcome even greater competition for the theme park wizards at both Imagineering and Universal Creative.


Well-Known Member
There are no concrete plans for that at the moment, but it wouldn't surprise me to see PPF re-themed or removed as part of a larger Fantasyland renovation. The upcoming closure of Space Mountain and Buzz has indicated OLC is willing to remove rides for the greater good (even opening-day ones).
Splash Mountain's days are numbered.
Universal isn't as good at making dark rides as Disney. They kind of suck at it. I wouldn't be surprised, in fact im expecting it.
The dark ride scenes in Yoshi's Adventures in Universal Japan are kinda stiff in terms of animatronic movement.


Well-Known Member

OLC enjoys near absolute control over their parks, period.

((The threshold for Disney to intervene or supersede OLC operations is high like only if OLC sullied or debased the Disney image or name—-which obviously won’t happen))
Disney still has profound influence on their decision making


Well-Known Member
Disney still has profound influence on their decision making
In what way?

OLC has complete say over pricing, operating hours, attraction menus, resort expansion(or contraction), HR/personnel, safety, maintenance schedules, special events, new character and attraction creation, organizational charts…..thus, more or less everything.


Well-Known Member
I really wonder what OLC is going to do in the future, these leaks I'm sure must be devastating for them. I guess they had no choice but to officially show stuff before more damage is done.

The Rapunzel ride looks absolutely fantastic with those screen shots, but obviously no way to tell until actual footage is out as to how much they have shown. As for Peter Pan, as much as I don't like screen rides, I'm still intrigued as to what it is like to ride it. Riding and looking at a video simply aren't very comparable to me, because part of experiencing these attractions are the movement and audio experiences to me.

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