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  • Hello and good morning.

    Running a bit late on morning rounds this morning. Everybody at the office (well except for one person) is magically out sick or busy "on sales calls" on the day before the three-day weekend. :rolleyes:
    will do now. i didnt see you yesterday afternoon too active. have a great day with all the georgia weather chaos
    hey jackie... oh, i have to email you something... or talk to you someplace else. hope your online.

    have a great tuesday yourself
    yey... i wish. unfortunately, we will be waiting about 6 years.

    BTW, thanks for the wonderful card you sent us. it was very nice.
    Good morning, Joel! Hope you and the girls have a wonderful weekend. You gonna take Issie over to Six Flags tomorrow and let her get her first ride on Goliath? ;)
    you too jackie. we are getting ready for the pediatrition doc opt. yep, little issie gets a bunch of shots today in her foot (if i recall from stories). all three of us are looking forward to that :rolleyes:

    hope they arent too bad. anyone give some mind settling advice. :D
    jenn, thanks. it was fabulous, but exhausting. every family member wanted to come over. they did. we looked up and it was 7pm. we hadnt even eaten dinner yet. sam got a wonderful mothers day gift.... a child and the family volvo. lol

    jackie, we did. all the tornados were about 5 miles north of us. sam woke me up around 2:06 am and told me to go watch the news to see if we were going to get hit. that was actually a comical news cast since they were interviewing people about the torm, "sir, has pickens county ever seen rain like this before".... :brick:. the guys answer, "ummm yey"
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