EPCOT Explorer
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  • :;puts on a spotlight in the face:: YES! You must know ALL ANSWERS!!! IT IS YOUR FAULT!!! I AM FROM THE DBI!!!! DISNEY BUREAU INVESTIGATION!
    I miss Walter Cronkite version. =\ The att sponsered one lol =)
    Hi!I have not seen them personally yet but from what I've gathered and seen,they don't seem THAT bad.People make them out to be a lot worse than they actually appear.Although the final scenes are all screen and the narration is a bit dumbed down,SSE could be worse.

    However,I DO miss the old Jeremy Irons version,as that one had a real decent tunnel(glitter city/pepper's ghost) and the narration was amazing.

    Any reason for this random interrogation?:D
    what do you personally think about the new changes to space ship earth? Like the interactive video?
    Yay...You might have contributed to my Figment purchase!I have #1005.You?And the shirts were amazing...I don't have one of those yet...But I'm searching.C25 sounded amazing.I wish I coulda gone.
    Thanks for reminding me to change the pic! LOL it was getting old!
    The 25th Figgy was a great buy! I was there on C-25 and holding one of them and my DH gave me that look....I was going to get him to buy one and me one and 2 shirts for each of us because I kind of knew they would be popular, but DH said we should only buy what we want/need and leave some for other people who may miss out because of the limited supply. Isn't that great? He really does try to be a good person. So I put the rest back for others. =)
    OOOOOOOH!...That's what it is!I couldn't see the eyes so...yeah...*turns red*

    Ebay is pretty fun.I collect pins so I can usually nab rare ones for half the price.And I found one of the 25th Anniversary Figgys for 20$ a few moths ago.:D
    Good luck with those SATs, and I'd really like to see your Epcot Room... I'm kinda finding myself with one of those too...:lookaroun...:D
    The new Avatar is a picture from EPCOT during the Flower and Garden fest. There was this area with a whole Peter Pan theme. That's the alligator from the movie - you know in the PPF ride where Captain Hook is standing with his feet on the edges of the alligator's jaw...? Well this gator looked really silly with his tongue out so of course I had to stand there trying to make the same silly expression. It was fun but sometimes my obsession with getting pictures of me and everyone in my party beside stuff at the Disney parks is just too much. :lol: But it's fun.

    Ebay? Yeah - I usually get good deals. I got this cool WOM slider puzzle with a lot of "crap" last year. It was in the picture but you could barely see it. I just had a keen eye at the time...:D
    Ah...I totally understand now.Smells and sounds do it for me EVERY time.

    Nostalgic...Me...How'd you guess. :D

    Ebay luck...No such thing.I just paid $50 for a huge old SSE 2000 snowglobe.Meanwhile one just sold for 20!But Ebay is fun...Half my room is decorated in stuff from there.I should upload pics of my EPCOT room...

    Oh, and what in blazes are you posing next to in your avatar?!?I've been staring at that thing for hours and can't figure it out!
    Yeah the Government assigns the crappiest property value possible when they compensate for their seizure.

    The maps? I used to have a shoebox of maps but the collection keeps growing....I have over the years scored some on ebay - I refuse to pay big money so I have to get lucky....and sometimes that happens.

    As for the Speedway - I am just guessing - since you tend to be nostalgic - that you have just not had those kind of experiences with that ride. I have so many fun memories there.
    You know how a scent or seeing something will bring back particular memories...? It's like that with the Speedway with me. It's not all that great a ride (ask DH) but for some reason I get transported back in time every time I get on it. And it's somewhere private in the park. You get way out on the track and you can say anything....and there's a degree of privacy. I'll leave the rest of that to imagination! LOL
    Oh,thought it was your land we were talking about...Glad it's not.:)
    But in other cases,the gov't SHOULD compensate for the property loss...I did some research.LOL

    And,I totally understand about your map collection-I have one too!Of course I don't have from the '70's(:eek: I would LOVE to see those) but I have quite a few from the '90s and Early 2000's...They are in a box...Somewhere.But I LOVE looking through them whenever I can find them.

    Oh,and I reeeeeally hope Indy Speedway goes away soon.*cough*:lol:;):lookaroun
    NOOOOOOOOOOOO Not our land! =) I mean you see it happen pretty often to others. If it was my land in question, there'd be a fire fight! :eek: I just mean in general - the Eminent Domain issue is a real biggie...

    And nah - it didn't cost much to send the map..I was just obsessed with it arriving to you in perfect condition. I'm a park map collector and have guidemaps from the 70's to present for the WDW parks. It's fun to look back at them - :lookaroun - yeah I know that's kinda weird! :lol:
    Oh,wow...Hope that didn't cost too much*hugs*

    As for your land,It depends on your sort of contract...Was it gov't based?Or did the Gov't take it for some other reason?

    LOL-you sound like my Mom when I played the Clarinet in band!
    YES! Map has been sent! I put it in a bubble-mailer and the man stamped FRAGILE and DON'T BEND all over it - LOL!
    Constitutional law? Nice.....would this include Eminent domain laws? I have a real problem with the government taking private citizen's property....

    YEP - DH plays guitar - it's a good thing unless you want a quiet house...:lol:
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