EPCOT Explorer
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  • Quite alright...And it might turn out better this way.A few more days in Disney is never a bad thing!
    Happy Middle-of-the-week Day!
    Sorry about your changed plans... Myabe they'll work out better though with a longer trip. Have a good Wednesday, Evan.

    I bring slightly sad but optimistic news...

    The End of June/Birthday trip is off.(But then again it was never on-I just did some searching)The plans to go to Boston overtook this one...Oh well.

    HOWEVER...If we wait we might be able to do a multi day trip LATE in the summer...Which means more chance for a meet because we would have more days in the park.
    Appreciate the request but I prefer to stay anonymous. Thanks anyway.
    Well,one should be coming soon...I hope you don't have it.

    And I might be needing some help in that "epcot wand" thread...The meanies are out!

    And BTW...What ever happened with your little argument in the Pentagon thread lol?I saw the posts and YIKES-you were right!
    I have pics of my collection - I wonder if I posted the glassware in the "What Disneyana do you Collect" thread....can't remember but I have some stuff posted. Right now they are packed in a box, which makes me really sad. =(
    Post pics!Post pics!

    And the Joke was hysterical-I'm whipping my afternoon coffee off the laptop now! :D

    Speaking of collections-Mom sees me get the map today and asks"Another piece for the EPCOT museum?" I no longer have a bedroom she claims...
    Yep - ha, ha...how did you guess about my shotglasses? You should see my collection - YIKES - so many shotglasses, so little time. I feel like one of those Arab Sheiks that has so many wives he can't get around to them all in a timely manner.:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:Ok that was bad.....
    Smart about the doc holder-I woulda done the same.And I'm so careful with it.It's currently on my dresser and anyone who wants to see it has to wash there hands and such.:p

    Very cool.You like Shot Glasses right? :D
    So glad you got the map! YAY! I guessed it would come today. It's an amazing map, like I said I had to carry everything on that day in a bag with me all day long and it rained soooo hard - I was lucky I was a geek and brought along a plastic document holder for everything or it could have been BAD!

    Yep my address is the same. All we are doing is getting our bitty old trailer moved off and a big new one in its place.

    =) So yes, the address will always be that PO Box. I don't get mail at my home because people out here play mailbox-smash. lol
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