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  • Oh! That's not too bad. We can wait for you. I thought you were going down for CP and were going to be gone for a while. If it's just a few days, we can definitely wait.

    If you want to do it while you're down there, all you need is your computer and a microphone/speakers or a headset. (That's actually all you'd need anyway to do it.)
    Oh...let me know if you think it will work for next week. Otherwise we can do your interview later on in a couple of weeks too.
    hmmm...well, that could be interesting. :)

    And the way we do it (or at least that I know how we do it) is we use Skype to call each other and then talk in headsets. I don't know if that's how Mike does it with everyone, but that's how we do the panel shows we do.

    Skype is free to download, so that's easy...the only thing is getting a microphone so you can talk to us.
    Ew! Finals stink! :( So glad I don't have to worry about that anymore!

    It would be pretty neat to say you work at both coasts. I'm very jealous! :D Guest relations though...that could be a little hairy. You either have to deal with people who are really happy or, more often, really ticked off!
    Yay for going back!!!

    And so cool about DL! I hope you get it! That would be so neat!

    I'm actually visiting there for the first time in Sept. I'm so excited about it. Although it's a little daunting, b/c you know, I don't know it like the back of my hand like I know WDW. But I'm sure I'll do fine.
    That's kinda a scary pic of you! :lol:

    Hi Michael! Man, I just realized we haven't talked in a LONG time! How are you dear?! :kiss:
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