Dead2009 Aug 4, 2024 I love seeing someone getting cooked when they're blatently wrong on a certain topic. Music to my eyeholes.
I love seeing someone getting cooked when they're blatently wrong on a certain topic. Music to my eyeholes.
Dead2009 Dec 9, 2023 Binging all the Christmas movies and shows before a family Christmas party tonight!
Dead2009 Dec 13, 2021 Here's a list of all the social media links I currently have! Twitch: YouTube: IMDB: Backloggd: Letterboxd:
Here's a list of all the social media links I currently have! Twitch: YouTube: IMDB: Backloggd: Letterboxd:
Dead2009 Jun 26, 2021 I think I'm gonna start adding all of my travel pictures on here at some point this week. Since everything is opening up, it's time to go see things and do stuff!
I think I'm gonna start adding all of my travel pictures on here at some point this week. Since everything is opening up, it's time to go see things and do stuff!
Dead2009 May 2, 2020 If you play video games, add me on the following platforms because I'm lonely and have no friends FeelsBadMan Xbox One: Dead2009 Playstation 4: Deadd2009 Switch: 4228-3597-5693
If you play video games, add me on the following platforms because I'm lonely and have no friends FeelsBadMan Xbox One: Dead2009 Playstation 4: Deadd2009 Switch: 4228-3597-5693