Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
I think for a lot of us it's just bewilderment.

Vaccines are safe and effective. They prevent one from getting extremely sick, hospitalized, or even dead. They are what will allow a return to normalcy.

It's hard to comprehend any widespread resistance.
Bewilderment I understand. I don't get the animosity.

I think there are a segment of..... vaccine hesitant..... who have had extremely bad experiences with medication and doctors. Before Covid, one of the top 3 leading causes of death was hospital mistakes. Is it REALLY so hard to believe that some people distrust the medical profession?

I hope all the hesitant find a doc they trust who encourages them to get the vaccine. I REALLY want this to be over. But I don't blame people for being nervous.



Well-Known Member
So work update about people in close contact with with a positive employee: the people who have been fully vaccinated and past their 2 weeks will monitor for symptoms and continue to report to work. They can take a test if they choose, but not required. Those with partial vaccination need to test, with a negative result they can return to work. No one was unvaccinated but if that would have been the case same 2 weeks quarantine would apply. Positive test result and they would have to file short term disability for pay at 75%. Negative result they get 100% of pay up to 10 days this year. After that is used no pay, but no attendance issues either. Seems like an incentive to get vaccinated vs losing pay from a positive result or multiple exposures.


Premium Member
Current vaccine status for Orange County via Mayor Demings -

Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 4.38.22 PM.png


Well-Known Member
I expected resistance. I did not think it would be this widespread. When we still have 18-20% of people saying in a poll they will never get the vaccine that’s surprising to me. I really thought that number would settle around 10% or under and maybe it still will, but it’s not looking likely. Even if it’s 20% when the dust settles, 80% would be a great number. I would be happy with 75%.
Did you see this report. NG



Well-Known Member
The decision itself is either get the vaccine or you don’t. I do find it fascinating how offended people get by the term anti-vax. I guess it’s just that it has a connotation in popular culture but in the simplest terms you either get the vaccine (pro Covid-vax) or you don’t (anti-Covid vax). The reason for not getting it is largely irrelevant to that label. I’m sure someone who is anti MMR vaccine also thinks that they have a good reason to feel that way. We still refer to them as anti-vax. I do see the distinction between not wanting any vaccine and not wanting just this vaccine. I do agree that giving someone a negative label while you are simultaneously trying to convince them the vaccine is safe And effective and they should get it is pretty counterproductive.

I see someone who is only a little hesitant as an opportunity at this point. We need as many people to get this as we can get. Someone who is politically motivated and says they will never get the vaccine no matter what is probably a lost cause but a large portion of the people who haven’t gotten the vaccine can still be reached. When the dust settles and there’s nobody left willing to get a vaccine then we can start calling the people in the “no column” various names ;););)
How would you classify someone who has received the vaccine yet has concerns based on learned discussions and relevant anecdotal experience?


Premium Member
Bewilderment I understand. I don't get the animosity.

I think there are a segment of..... vaccine hesitant..... who have had extremely bad experiences with medication and doctors. Before Covid, one of the top 3 leading causes of death was hospital mistakes. Is it REALLY so hard to believe that some people distrust the medical profession?

I hope all the hesitant find a doc they trust who encourages them to get the vaccine. I REALLY want this to be over. But I don't blame people for being nervous.

the animosity is because there is a direct correlation to political tinge.

and This is after probably the most outwardly contentious political period since the 1900 era...

what’s different now is we live in an unabashed “shouting match” climate.


Well-Known Member
Bewilderment I understand. I don't get the animosity.

I think there are a segment of..... vaccine hesitant..... who have had extremely bad experiences with medication and doctors. Before Covid, one of the top 3 leading causes of death was hospital mistakes. Is it REALLY so hard to believe that some people distrust the medical profession?

I hope all the hesitant find a doc they trust who encourages them to get the vaccine. I REALLY want this to be over. But I don't blame people for being nervous.

When I say anti-vaxxer, I'm generally referring to people who "did their own research" on the internet and the likes of Jenny McCarthy. As an autism mom, nothing gets me angry faster than someone saying there's a connection between vaccines and autism - because there is none. The study originally claiming there was was retracted years and years ago...but good luck telling these people. The only other people I include in this group when it comes to COVID are the ones who won't be vaccinated because they just won't (or they're buying into garbage being pushed by talk-show hosts) and they've been bucking the restrictions and mandates from the get-go, or they've convinced themselves that COVID is no big deal. All of the people in this group are basing their choice on utter nonsense and falsehoods.

I understand vaccine hesitancy, I really do - especially with the new ones. I almost became an anti-vaxxer myself...until I dug deeper. The problem is that unless you're willing to spend weeks doing research, most of what you'll find at the surface is complete and utter garbage to scare the hell out of you - especially if you're a new parent. And the "anti-vaccine movement" is still growing, thanks to people profiting off of lies.

I always encourage people on the fence to talk to their doctor (don't go online), and to ask about a staggered vaccine schedule.


Well-Known Member
Bewilderment I understand. I don't get the animosity.

I think there are a segment of..... vaccine hesitant..... who have had extremely bad experiences with medication and doctors. Before Covid, one of the top 3 leading causes of death was hospital mistakes. Is it REALLY so hard to believe that some people distrust the medical profession?

I hope all the hesitant find a doc they trust who encourages them to get the vaccine. I REALLY want this to be over. But I don't blame people for being nervous.

For the vast majority of people, there is no doctor involved in getting the vaccine.


Well-Known Member
I am suprised Orange Co would be such a slow crawl. Anyone live there that can explain? What dynamic is at play.
Same here in Palm Beach County.

Its going to be EXTREMLY HARD to get those 20-40 year olds.


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Premium Member
Mayor Demings in response to a question about theme parks announcing new changes -

"Prior to issuing the 3 phased approach that we announced a week or so ago, we did so in consultation with our largest theme parks and therefore, they are going to continue, they think it's just good business to continue following that guidance that was given."


Premium Member
Did you see this report. NG

The headline is a bit clickbait. 61% of people say they will get their kids the vaccine, there’s just a portion that didn’t pick right away. It lines up pretty well with adults. Kids will be lower than adults because 18+ includes the 65+ crowd which is approaching 85% now.


Premium Member
Mayor Demings in response to a question about theme parks announcing new changes -

"Prior to issuing the 3 phased approach that we announced a week or so ago, we did so in consultation with our largest theme parks and therefore, they are going to continue, they think it's just good business to continue following that guidance that was given."
What’s the change in phase 2? Phase 3 is dropping all restrictions including masks?

Bill in Atlanta

Well-Known Member
I agree that there is a difference between hesitancy and anti-vax. Most people I know who declined the COVID vaccine as of now, are fully vaccinated with all other vaccines (measles, polio, etc.) So they are not straight up anti-vaxxers.
Great point. I would also add that it's simply wrong to vilify the hesitant group. It's hard to trust anything anyone says these days, and a lot of folks are just too busy to look into this stuff for themselves.
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