Hi everyone! First post, thought I'd weigh in with my experience here

My family and I were in MK on Monday (8/4). We got there around 11 and hiked back to Be Our Guest for lunch. We had already used Fastpass+ for lunch once on our trip and wanted to eat there again, so we were just going to stand in line. We had no idea about the cards until we got back there. We were given a return card to come back between 1:55-2:10, which was 2 1/2 hours away from the time we were handed the card. To say that it was inconvenient would be a huge understatement. We really had our hearts set on eating there, so we decided to just wait it out. We actually ended up sharing a chicken tender meal at Columbia Harbor House while we waited because we were starving (didn't eat breakfast!). When we came back for our return time, the place was swamped with CMs blocking everyone out, since they weren't giving out cards anymore. Honestly, you could tell there were a lot of upset people, and CMs were trying to explain as best they could. When we got into the restaurant, ordering was a quick process and things went pretty smoothly from there (except for trying to find a table). When we exited the restaurant, I was approached by a CM and was asked if I wanted to participate in a survey about my experience. I agreed, and she asked me questions for 5-10 minutes about what I liked and disliked about the return times, if I recommended they continue with this system, etc. She also took my email and I got another survey about Be Our Guest two days later in my email. I know that one survey probably doesn't make much of a different in the grand scheme of things, but at least they're trying to get some feedback on this. However, even if they get criticism on this (which I wasn't shy about sharing my criticism), it probably won't stop them from continuing on with this system.