WDW Nightmares


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Original Poster
Has anyone ever had any nightmares about WDW? I ask because I just woke up from one. :confused:

I was living in a house in EPCOT. I went to go on Test Track, and as I was on the ride it turned into some weird demon ride. The track was totally different and the entire thing was painted black and red to look like lava. It had some monsters, and was meant to be terrifying and real. You no longer had the 60mph loop, you went down a drop and into a weird above ground demon land.
After riding, I remember being mad that they changed it again, and said that they must be changing TT sometime soon because that ride did not hold up to Disney standards and seemed like a temporary ride. I was also upset that I lost the carI made on a previous trip.

Then, I was in the World Showcase leaving my house (which seemed to be in the Mexico Pavilion) and walked to Norway. Looking at the WS, it was all covered in snow. Everything was white and cold and I got really exciting telling my dream friends that it finally snowed a lot in Florida. One of my dream friends was a cast member and he said no it didn't, it was just fake snow and was gling to melt soon. Sure enough, it did and I was so bummed.


Well-Known Member
I have nightmares all the time that I am walking to the resort bus stop and my family has their bags and they tell me we are headed towards the DME bus stop and somehow I was in the resort for a week and forgot to go to any parks. It's a recurring nightmare I have EVERY year several times in the weeks leading up to my trips. I have a recurring dream where MK is just set up as one long street with the rides inside buildings on either side. That one at least I get to visit a park. Even if it's all wrong.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I have "Disney nightmares" all the time, especially as we get closer to a trip. They're more along the lines of various things going wrong, e.g., "we just arrived but we forgot to pack anything," or "we missed our flight to Orlando," or "I'm walking around the Magic Kingdom, but all the attractions are down for refurbishment..."


Well-Known Member
I have nightmares all the time that I am walking to the resort bus stop and my family has their bags and they tell me we are headed towards the DME bus stop and somehow I was in the resort for a week and forgot to go to any parks. It's a recurring nightmare I have EVERY year several times in the weeks leading up to my trips. I have a recurring dream where MK is just set up as one long street with the rides inside buildings on either side. That one at least I get to visit a park. Even if it's all wrong.

I have the same dream, I'm on the DME heading to the airport and I'm saying but I didn't get to go to the Magic Kingdom and I didn't get to go the Epcot etc, then I wake up.


Well-Known Member
I've had several dreams where I'm at a Disney park, but it's just not right. Within the dream it'll seem all right, but when I wake up I know WDW isn't really like that. One time I dreamed that all of Disneyland was inside a big building about the size of a K-Mart. Another time I was riding the Astro Jets, the version in the center of Tomorrowland way up on its pylon. But instead of getting into a vehicle, I laid down, head out, and hooked my feet to a mechanical arm on the ride. Now I was spinning around, head out, only holding on with my feet, and thinking "This doesn't seem to be very safe!"


Well-Known Member
I once had a vivid nightmare of a road trip to Disneyland gone wrong. In the dream, I had planned the perfect family vacation. We would leave Chicago, and drive across the country to Anaheim and spend several days at the Happiest Place on Earth. Well, in my dream, things didn't turn out so happy.
The first part of our road trip was fine, but things began to turn sour when we got lost in a bad neighborhood in St. Louis. Then later I fall asleep WHILE DRIVING :eek: as my wife & kids are also asleep in the car. We miraculously arrive at our first motel of the trip...which ends up being a dump.
The next day we go to some old western-themed tourist town where some bartender fires a rifle just inches from my head. Then my wife insists we go see her cousin, and stay one night out at their place. This really puts our schedule off track, and makes it seem like we will never get to Disneyland on time.
So anyhow, we stay the night at my wife's cousin's house, and end up having to take her aging aunt along with us to drop her off somewhere in Phoenix. :confused: To make matters worse, my wife's aunt HATES my guts, so you can guess how much fun it was having to haul her for days in our car. :banghead: Oh, and her vicious, unkempt dog has to come along with us for the ride. Not sure why I couldn't just say "No" to all this.
We stayed at a campground for one night, which also ended up being a complete dump. (Geese were swimming in the dirty swimming pool!!)
The tents smelled awful, my wife & kids were unhappy, and my wife's aunt was as nagging as ever.
The next morning when departing from the run-down campground, I end up forgetting to unleash the dog from our back car bumper, which results in (thankfully) it's sudden demise. I told the police officer who pulled us over that I was remorseful about the dog, but deep down on the inside I was rejoicing.
After running the car off the side of the road, getting lost in the desert for awhile, and having to shell out most of our finances on car repairs / damages...we make it to the Grand Canyon, only to find out my wife's aunt has died in the backseat all during this time. We tie the aunt's body to the top of our car, drive to Phoenix, and leave her at her son's house.
After a few more mishaps & shenanigans along the way, we FINALLY make it to Anaheim California, and to the Disneyland Resort!!
Things are good now, yes? Wrong! We arrive to the front gates of Disneyland park only to discover the park is closed for 2-weeks due to refurbishment! :mad::mad::mad:
By this point I had lost my mind. Enough was enough! We were going to have a fun family trip to Disney no matter what it took. So I took a security guard hostage, forced him at gunpoint to allow my family & I to ride some of the park's more popular attractions.
Just as we were all getting off Space Mountain, we were suddenly surrounded by the FBI, who had heard about us breaking into the closed park. It looked like I was going away to prison for a long, long time. But suddenly Walt Disney himself shows up. After a heartfelt explanation & apology from me, Walt decides not to press any charges, and we all went on our way happily.

That was the strangest dream I ever had...until I had another one sorta similar that involved traveling to Europe. But that's a long story in itself.
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Well-Known Member
I once had a dream that I was riding the monorail to the Magic Kingdom, but the monorail had no doors and was going really fast. I fell out in between the contemporary and MK and had to climb back up onto the track (which was far higher than normal) and walk the rest of the way on the rail. I was so freaked out that another monorail was going to come, but the rail was only a foot's width wide so I was having to try to run and balance at the same time.


Well-Known Member
I once had a vivid nightmare of a road trip to Disneyland gone wrong. In the dream, I had planned the perfect family vacation. We would leave Chicago, and drive across the country to Anaheim and spend several days at the Happiest Place on Earth. Well, in my dream, things didn't turn out so happy.
The first part of our road trip was fine, but things began to turn sour when we got lost in a bad neighborhood in St. Louis. Then later I fall asleep WHILE DRIVING :eek: as my wife & kids are also asleep in the car. We miraculously arrive at our first motel of the trip...which ends up being a dump.
The next day we go to some old western-themed tourist town where some bartender fires a rifle just inches from my head. Then my wife insists we go see her cousin, and stay one night out at their place. This really puts our schedule off track, and makes it seem like we will never get to Disneyland on time.
So anyhow, we stay the night at my wife's cousin's house, and end up having to take her aging aunt along with us to drop her off somewhere in Phoenix. :confused: To make matters worse, my wife's aunt HATES my guts, so you can guess how much fun it was having to haul her for days in our car. :banghead: Oh, and her vicious, unkempt dog has to come along with us for the ride. Not sure why I couldn't just say "No" to all this.
We stayed at a campground for one night, which also ended up being a complete dump. (Geese were swimming in the dirty swimming pool!!)
The tents smelled awful, my wife & kids were unhappy, and my wife's aunt was as nagging as ever.
The next morning when departing from the run-down campground, I end up forgetting to unleash the dog from our back car bumper, which results in (thankfully) it's sudden demise. I told the police officer who pulled us over that I was remorseful about the dog, but deep down on the inside I was rejoicing.
After running the car off the side of the road, getting lost in the dessert for awhile, and having to shell out most of our finances on car repairs / damages...we make it to the Grand Canyon, only to find out my wife's aunt has died in the backseat all during this time. We tie the aunt's body to the top of our car, drive to Phoenix, and leave her at her son's house.
After a few more mishaps & shenanigans along the way, we FINALLY make it to Anaheim California, and to the Disneyland Resort!!
Things are good now, yes? Wrong! We arrive to the front gates of Disneyland park only to discover the park is closed for 2-weeks due to refurbishment! :mad::mad::mad:
By this point I had lost my mind. Enough was enough! We were going to have a fun family trip to Disney no matter what it took. So I took a security guard hostage, forced him at gunpoint to allow my family & I to ride some of the park's more popular attractions.
Just as we were all getting off Space Mountain, we were suddenly surrounded by the FBI, who had heard about us breaking into the closed park. It looked like I was going away to prison for a long, long time. But suddenly Walt Disney himself shows up. After a heartfelt explanation & apology from me, Walt decides not to press any charges, and we all went on our way happily.

That was the strangest dream I ever had...until I had another one sorta similar that involved traveling to Europe. But that's a long story in itself.
Ever had a dream you went to Vegas?


Well-Known Member
I am blessed to seldom have out-and-out nightmares (or Chevy Chase movies!), but I do have some at least, er, "negative" aspects to recurring Disney dreams. One is I somehow lose both of my shoes and am walking around barefoot, wondering where I can buy some shoes. The other is I forgot to memorize what row I parked in. Then I think to myself, "Funny, but I don't even remember parking." At that time, I realize it's just a dream. I used to dream about Splash Mountain, or something a lot like it. I would try any means to avoid going down the big hill. In real life, I finally braved Splash Mountain and found that the hill wasn't so bad. Now in my dreams, I enthusiastically take on the hill!


Well-Known Member
I've had dreams where I go to disney and have fun, but it turns out I was just dreaming and I wake up.

That counts as a nightmare, right? :p


Well-Known Member
Had a dream once that I was in Spaceship earth and a burning baby fell into our ride vehicle. It was a burnt baby all charred and I woke up in a cold sweat. We have no children and I have no idea why I dreamt this or what the significance was, I just hope it doesn't happen again as it was quite horrific.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever had any nightmares about WDW? I ask because I just woke up from one. :confused:

I was living in a house in EPCOT. I went to go on Test Track, and as I was on the ride it turned into some weird demon ride. The track was totally different and the entire thing was painted black and red to look like lava. It had some monsters, and was meant to be terrifying and real. You no longer had the 60mph loop, you went down a drop and into a weird above ground demon land.
After riding, I remember being mad that they changed it again, and said that they must be changing TT sometime soon because that ride did not hold up to Disney standards and seemed like a temporary ride. I was also upset that I lost the carI made on a previous trip.

Then, I was in the World Showcase leaving my house (which seemed to be in the Mexico Pavilion) and walked to Norway. Looking at the WS, it was all covered in snow. Everything was white and cold and I got really exciting telling my dream friends that it finally snowed a lot in Florida. One of my dream friends was a cast member and he said no it didn't, it was just fake snow and was gling to melt soon. Sure enough, it did and I was so bummed.

Blame that temp snow on Elsa in Norwayandelle! ;):p

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