Trip Report Wowww - Spring Break 2018 at Saratoga Springs

We've been back almost a week, so I guess I better get this started! :D

Who: Me and my husband, R
Why: Spring break at my work
When: March 27-31
Where: Saratoga Springs Resort (1st time)

I worked on Monday, but I took Tuesday and Wednesday off, then we were out for spring break the rest of the week. I like taking advantage of these school breaks when I can, even though this is the craziest time for crowds outside of Christmas.

Monday night we dropped our pup-pup off at the dog-sitter's and felt AWFUL. We hate leaving him. They take great care of him and he has another dog there to play with, but it's still hard to leave him behind, especially when we have a night at home without him to snuggle with. I know you all think I'm a nut :hilarious:

We got up Tuesday morning and planned to leave the house by 7:30. I knew there would be some traffic on 240, but the Memphis airport is always totally dead, so I wasn't worried about getting there 2 hours early. Traffic was sluggish as expected, but we got there at about 9 for our 10:30 flight.

On our way into the airport! I felt like a major goober with my jacket AND my Donald Duck suitcase. It was Disney overload....the guy in the elevator smugly asked where we were going :hilarious: Of course he knew...

We checked our bag and I was trying the Magical Express luggage tags for the first time since I think our honeymoon. I was nervous, but thought we'd be fine if it arrived late. We both had a change of clothes in our carry-on.

As we expected, security took no time at all. We have pre-check, but even without it, Memphis is so quick (unless you get their training line!). Pre-check is helpful in Nashville though, where we'll fly out of next month! Also, obvs it's helpful at MCO.

I always get stupid expensive water at the airport. I usually get SmartWater, but I tried Evian this time...not a fan. But now I know! We didn't have a huge wait at our gate, but long enough to get annoyed with a fellow passenger and her phone conversation :rolleyes:. I must be a magnet for loud talkers, because I swear they always sit by me. Can they not see I'm trying to read?!

We had a super empty flight, so we were able to get a window and aisle with a seat between us, which I like. I was hungry and all they had was peanuts...which I don't like. I mean, they're fine, but I much prefer pretzels! I remembered I had a larabar in my bag, so I ate that.

Soon enough we were landing and since we used our Disney luggage tags, we walked straight to the Magical Express! We both had to pee and had trouble finding open bathrooms, which has happened to me before at MCO! So weird.

Our scheduled landing was 1:25, but we were already on a bus and pulling away at 1:45. Great timing so far! I was a little worried about our room being ready text yet. This ALWAYS happens when I make room requests. If I don't make room requests, I almost always have my room assignment before noon. So once we got to the resort (2nd stop), I went to the desk to check on the room.

If I'd realized the quick service place was right there, we would have eaten first, but alas, I didn't explore enough. The cast member did some clicking and got us a room in the Paddock...nothing in Congress Park like I wanted, but it turned out to be fine. It was FINALLY time to eat something. Took me a bit to figure out how their cafeteria works, but we got it.

Their food place and gift shop are all one thing, so you order food, then you can pay for that and your store purchases at the same place...then you go sit down and they bring your food. It's kind of weird, honestly, but it was never busy in there so it was fine.

The inside of the dining area is pretty!

R got a spicy Italian beef sandwich. It looked AMAZING to me, but I tried it and it wasn't my fav. He liked it though.

I got the Bistro buffalo chicken panini, which looked way more awesome in the picture. It tasted good though. It perked me up, too. I didn't realize how hungry I was!

When we finished eating, we took off toward our room. We didn't get lost, but we FELT lost the whole time. There's not much signage, and finding how to get into our building was super confusing. We entered on the far end in a kind of hidden door. Thankfully our room was the first one past the staircase on the 2nd floor, so it was convenient to the first door we found :joyfull:

Sorry this has been so text heavy! Promise it won't be like that the whole time.

The room was pretty dull. I was not big on Saratoga Springs, if you can't tell :hilarious: I was sad because I was excited to stay there, but it just wasn't shaping up to be one of our favs! I guess we just know what we like now, and we don't like these big, spread out resorts. I did like the view from the balcony though!

Excuse our junk already laying around. I didn't even pay attention when booking that it's only one bed :cry: We share a king at home, so this would be different... Usually if there are two beds, we each take one :hilarious:

I did like all the storage in that entertainment center! Very convenient!

The burnt out light bulb was a nice touch :hilarious:

I changed into my shorts, and we headed out to catch our first fast pass in MK!
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We headed to the bus stop that I thought was closest to us, but turns out the next stop after ours (Congress Park stop) was actually closer to our end of the building. So we used that one from then on. There was one additional stop after that, so we were toward the end of the loop. The multiple stops didn't really bother us, but I know some people hate that.

I think we waited only about 5 minutes for a bus, then we were off by about 3:25! (My times won't be specific after day 2...the last time I took notes :facepalm:) The ride was about 30 minutes, and soon we were walking into MK! Hooray! I didn't have a bag, since everything was still in our suitcase, so we got in pretty quick.

Our FP for Haunted Mansion started at 3:45, so we headed there first. We didn't rush, and I talked R into taking a picture of me in my new favorite jacket.

A classic "walk and shoot" :hilarious: complete with random folks.

Haunted Mansion was posted 80 minutes and the FP line was backed up. When it finally got moving, we got close to the scanners and the people in front of us just stopped...I don't know what the crap they were doing, but I finally just went around of them and apologized to the cast member for the hold up. I never know if it's ok to go around people or not, but this was definitely a situation where I think it was fine...I don't know why they stood in that line only to balk :cautious:

Didn't take us too long to get in the stretching room, and we were just about the last ones in there, so I couldn't get around to the door and avoid the bottleneck. Oh well...we just dealt with the awkwardness.

This would be one of only two photopass photos I made him pose for. I only did two and they had no lines, so he couldn't complain! He hates it :hilarious:

On our way to Adventureland for our next FP, I wanted to get a churro. I'd never had one before, and I see them on shirts all the time. I knew that Disneyland's were supposed to be better, but I figured the WDW ones would be good too.

Will it be tasty?

Unfortunately, no. It wasn't fresh, and I knew it wouldn't be. It makes a big difference though! Oh well, I tried it.

I also bought some pins at that store in Frontierland. I got some mystery packs and decided not to open them yet, so I wouldn't be tempted to get more if I didn't like what I got. Those mystery packs are dangerous!

We made it to Pirates and the wait was 80 minutes...seems to be a trend. Also a trend, the FP line was backed up :cautious: but it moved along, and we pretty much walked right to the ride. I had avoided pictures and comments (mostly) about the new auction scene, because I wanted to go in fresh.

Unpopular opinion: I do get why they changed it. I don't think it's just a matter of being politically correct....if it was, a lot more about that ride and other rides in the park would be changed. Sex trafficking is a huge problem in our world, and even our own country. So...yeah. I get it. I know there are arguments to be made on both sides of it, that's just the side I've landed on when I've thought about it.

It never bothered me personally, but losing it didn't really matter to me either. I do miss the memorable line of "We wants the redhead" though :( The new scene kind of flew by, but my first impression of it was that it was no longer a memorable scene. The animatronic looked awesome though! I don't know if it's true that it's Jane from Great Movie Ride, but it totally looks like her.

We headed over to Tomorrowland next for our Space FP, but we I made R stop for photos first. Since he won't take pictures with me, he has to take pictures OF me :hilarious: I know, I'm a narcissist, but whatever.

He couldn't figure out my camera even though I had everything set :rolleyes: This is me trying to explain how to tilt the screen out. When I'm frustrated, I get really condescending and mean...sorry R. Thankfully he figured it out, and I got some cute ones.

An accidental ground shot, but I thought it was cool.

What's left of the Purple Wall! It's fate was very unsure at this point with Disney painting, then drawing on it? then painting again. I didn't go get a picture at this point. They've since painted a new pattern, but I think there's still some of the original blank wall left. I could be wrong...

I wanted to do the People Mover first. The line was long! R almost said no, but I promised him it would move. The standbys for everything was crazyyyyyy.

My Vans UltraRange Rapidweld that came back in stock in time for me to get them for the trip :inlove: I'm in love with them!

Unintentional purple wall portrait!

My favorite part of the ride!

(ran out of room for pictures...)
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These guys are so adorable, but they need to have a leaf blower taken to them :hilarious: Don't look too close as you go by...

Unfortunately while we were on the Peoplemover, Space Mountain went down, which our next FP was for. Since we had to leave for dinner, we didn't think we should go too far to use the FP on something else. Buzz looked backed up, so we decided against that. I wanted coffee, but the line at the Joffrey's kiosk was long. Long lines everywhere! Starbucks was too long too...guess I wasn't getting coffee on the way out.

I traded a couple of pins on the way out, and got a cute Jessica Rabbit pin over a Genie one. Well I ended up opening my mystery pack at the bus stop and the same Genie pin was in there! So I made a good choice in my trading :happy: I also got a macaron pin I'd been wanting FOREVER. My other two packs had good stuff too, so I was super pumped.

On our way out. The monorail was stopped...that's the only reason I was able to get this :joyfull:

We got on the bus at about 6:15 and quickly headed back to our room to change for dinner.

Our bag was there! Huzzah! I hadn't even thought about it again, but it was a nice surprise when we walked in. I put my jeans back on, and R changed into some chino pants and nicer shoes, then we headed over to Disney Springs.

Oh I took these of the bed runners

So cute! I always think you guys are kind of weird for caring about these runners, but it was honestly one of my favorite things in the room :hilarious:

A pretty light for @Doc Disney

R gave me 2 extra minutes for stopping to take pictures :rolleyes: haha...he was joking but he kept saying "Ok that was 10 seconds...that was 7 seconds...that was 20 seconds..." He's goofy.

It was a BEAUTIFUL walk! Definitely a perk of this resort...the grounds are lovely. And this time of day is just so gorgeous, especially with the water and the boats going by. I think it took us less than 10 minutes to walk there, and that was with us hesitating and not really knowing where we were going.

Up next: Dinner!
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Yay I’m following along! I was literally just thinking today that I’ve never read a report of someone staying at SS.

Unfortunately, no. It wasn't fresh, and I knew it wouldn't be. It makes a big difference though! Oh well, I tried it.
Ugh, I’m on the same page. I always wonder if there’s a “proper” place to get churros. I love churros, but hate to say I’ve never found a good one at Disney.

It never bothered me personally, but losing it didn't really matter to me either.
Bang on. I feel the same way.

I always think you guys are kind of weird for caring about these runners
It’s like you’re reading my mind. I always have a chuckle when people are upset about no runners. I just chuck them on the floor right away anyways 🤷🏻‍♀️ #firstworldproblems


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I was curious to hear your thoughts on Saratoga. I always consider staying here whenever I’m at DS as it seems to convenient to just walk over. It also looks SUPER inviting just sitting there across the water. Sad to hear it didn’t live up to your expectations. Excited to read more.
The grounds are very pretty, I will give it that! It's just not what we like in a resort. I think we've decided Wilderness Lodge is our favorite. I always thought location played a big role, but WL isn't super convenient to anything but Magic Kingdom, and I still think it's my fav. I like the setup and the vibe there. Thanks for reading along!

Looking forward to hearing more about your trip and stay at Saratoga Springs.
Thanks for following!

Ugh, I’m on the same page. I always wonder if there’s a “proper” place to get churros. I love churros, but hate to say I’ve never found a good one at Disney.
It’s like you’re reading my mind. I always have a chuckle when people are upset about no runners. I just chuck them on the floor right away anyways 🤷🏻‍♀️ #firstworldproblems

Someone told me to try the churro in Hollywood Studios. They didn't tell me where, but I'll keep my eye out for them. But honestly the ones my local Fresh Mex place has are pretty I'm not dying to have the perfect churro on vacation :hilarious: And the runner thing always makes me laugh. I don't think I even notice when they're not there, but I did notice the cute details in this one. We have a beagle, so the hound dogs got a little "awwwww" out of me.

I always cut people who don't know what they are doing. Long hair don't care :joyfull: Half the time they don't even actually have Fps
There were a LOT of those people this trip. It's like no one knew what the heck they were doing....bunch of newbs :joyfull: I think maybe they had FPs but it wasn't time yet and maybe they thought by the time the line got there, they'd be good. But they were wrong, and instead of getting out the way like normal humans, they just stood there. :facepalm:

Nomad Lounge, they are mini gluten free ones, comes with 2 dipping sauces and they are delicious!!
Hmm...interesting! I'll have to look for those. We go there almost every trip and I've never seen them on the menu, but I don't think I've ever noticed any sweets on the menu. Is there a separate dessert menu?


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Our dinner reservation was for...

We had been SO excited for this! I would tell R every few days "Hey in ___ days, we'll be at Morimoto Asia eating ramen!" We love ramen, and we only have one restaurant in town that serves it...and it's just ok. We have a recipe we make at home, but we don't have access to fresh noodles, so we use the crappy dried ones :hilarious: I am hoping to learn how to make noodles soon...they're doing a class there as part of the Sakura Festival, but of course we don't live there, so...

Anyway, we were excited.

We were about 15 minutes early, but I went ahead and checked us in. Or tried to. They didn't have our reservation! How rude :cautious: I had my confirmation number, so thankfully they could seat us, but I don't understand how that happens. It was in my MDE app and everything. But also the place was not full, so I'm sure it wasn't a huge deal.

We were seated right by the kitchen, so I had a nice view of the duck carcasses :oops:

We started with drinks. I actually wrote down what we had!! R had a Soba Ale, which he enjoyed and I had the Fortunate Monkey, which was tasty and came with a cute little monkey clothespin. I don't see it on the online menu to give a description :confused:

He made fun of me for taking pictures of my drinks and food the whole trip. I was like...this isn't new! I've always done that. I think he is embarrassed for me (or maybe I'm embarrassing him?), but I don't care at all if people look at me funny :joyfull: It's not like I am the only person to do it! I mean heck, hardcore instagrammers will light the table and everything! At least I just pull my camera out and snap a photo...I'm tame!

We got dumplings because :hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry:

What we came for! I really enjoyed this. It was quite a lot of noodles, and I got full before I finished. R ate some too since his was more ginger-y and he wanted to try the duck broth.
Mine: Duck Ramen
peking duck broth, egg noodles, duck meat, scallion, soy marinated egg, cilantro
R's: Tonkotsu Ramen
rich pork broth, egg noodles, roasted pork, soy marinated egg, woodear mushroom, pickled ginger

I liked mine better and he liked his better, so we made good choices! Overall we enjoyed this, and the restaurant is BEAUTIFUL. I don't know if we'll rush to go back, but we will go again one of these days. I'd like to try the other pork ramen they have. Personally, I still like the stuff we make at home the best :joyfull:

My table lovely. It was actually kind of cool to watch all the activity back there.

We wanted to go somewhere for drinks, so we popped in The Edison. We just weren't feeling it though.

Walked through Enzo's Hideaway, and it was packed, so that was a no... R doesn't care for Jock Lindsey's. I just need to get him back in there...I don't know what his deal it. I love it!

We ducked into a few stores.

Ducked... :p I wanted this shirt! But the lines were sooooo long to check out. As line-averse as I am, it's really a wonder I have fun at WDW.

We just decided to try the lounge at the resort. We've enjoyed most of the others we've been to.

I wanted to run in Co-Op and get the Dave Perillo Pirate's print to add to our collection. I want to address something in as kind a way as possible, but the cashier seemed to me to have special needs. Not severe, just some very clear communication and social issues. R didn't pick up on that AT ALL and just thought he was being incredibly rude to me :hilarious: I just take that kind of stuff in stride, so it was whatever. I've done some volunteer work with people with special needs, so some behaviors stand out to me when I see them. I do wonder if Disney has a program for employing high-functioning adults with special needs. I've had a few other encounters with cast-members that seemed like they could have had special needs. Anyway, just thought it was interesting! I googled it but just found lots of stuff about DAS.

Snapped this on the way out. I love this movie!

We got to the Turf Club Lounge and I had a mule and I don't remember what R had. We would have liked to try the Turf Club Bar & Grill but it closed at 9:30 and it was after 9...what the heck kind of bar closes at 9:30?! What we were left with was this lame, open room with a walk-up bar and some tvs. There were several groups in there, it just had zero ambiance. So we just had the one drink each and left. Super disappointing after some of the great resort lounge experiences we have had! Maybe we were just being harsh...I don't know.

We got back to the room by about 10 and went to sleep. Not too bad for our first day!


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OH MY GOSH. I forgot the best part of the night.

We picked this up in the quick service/store hybrid thing on the way back to the room and split it before bed. Somehow the sugar didn't keep us up all night :joyfull:

It was soooooo yummy. I've been watching what I eat all week and just looking at that picture is making me drool a little. :hungry:


Well-Known Member
Love the Donald suitcase and the Leota Dooney! I know how you feel with handing off your camera. I've kind of given up with my husband taking pics with mine. I know my parents weren't huge fans of Saratoga either, but the location is so great if you plan on going to DS. Can't wait to read more!


Well-Known Member
Hi-I've read a couple other of your TR's and enjoyed them. I don't do alot of commenting on these boards, but interesting to read your take on SSR. We stayed there last August for 5 days (me, DH, DS and middle DD)-while we loved the pools, the overall resort was just ok. We stayed in Grandstand area-short walk to pools, first on bus stop. I think we might have enjoyed it more in a 1 bed vs a studio. The beds were also the most uncomfortable of any I've tried...

Also love love love Hangar bar-Have been so often one server gave us our "wings"-really cool aviator wing pins with Jock Lindsays Hangar bar logo on them!
And Morimoto is fabulous! But my kids are weird and love ramen, sushi etc...


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Following along! Btw, mystery pin packs are the best! I definitely buy way too many of them. :jawdrop: What the heck did I just say?! You can never have too many Disney pins! :joyfull:
Thanks for reading! I am definitely addicted to pins, especially mystery packs. I may or may not have gotten a few singles in the mail to complete some collections :cautious::joyfull: I usually just buy the last two or three online if I start getting a lot of duplicates.

As usual, your photos are great! But do you know what I like the best so far? I love the Mickey jacket you're wearing!!! :joyfull:
Isn't it so cute?! I got it from Forever 21, and it's seriously one of my favorite things. Of course I'm too scared to wear it at home because it's so wild :hilarious:

Love the Donald suitcase and the Leota Dooney! I know how you feel with handing off your camera. I've kind of given up with my husband taking pics with mine. I know my parents weren't huge fans of Saratoga either, but the location is so great if you plan on going to DS. Can't wait to read more!
Thank you!! The Dooney was my Christmas gift to myself and I'm loving it. I use it sparingly because I'm protective of it :joyfull:. The convenience to DS was the main thing I liked about it! We took advantage of that proximity on this trip, whereas we usually just skip DS altogether.

I do not. We are the same person. :hilarious:
Yeah I think that's part of why we get along, we're both crazy dog moms :joyfull:

Hi-I've read a couple other of your TR's and enjoyed them. I don't do alot of commenting on these boards, but interesting to read your take on SSR. We stayed there last August for 5 days (me, DH, DS and middle DD)-while we loved the pools, the overall resort was just ok. We stayed in Grandstand area-short walk to pools, first on bus stop. I think we might have enjoyed it more in a 1 bed vs a studio. The beds were also the most uncomfortable of any I've tried...

Also love love love Hangar bar-Have been so often one server gave us our "wings"-really cool aviator wing pins with Jock Lindsays Hangar bar logo on them!
And Morimoto is fabulous! But my kids are weird and love ramen, sushi etc...
Thanks so much for reading, and I'm glad you commented! I didn't try the pools at all, but I don't really do that at other resorts either (husband is too pale for pools :hilarious:) They looked really nice! I think the resort is fine, and I certainly didn't hate it. But we've definitely found our favs, and it's tough to make ourselves like other places :rolleyes: I didn't notice our bed being uncomfortable! I wonder if you just got one that needed a new mattress?

I honestly LOVE Hangar bar! I need R to give it another go. Your kids have good taste! Sushi is one of our favorites at home, and ramen is kind of a new fav for us. We love pretty much all Asian cuisine we've tried.


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Ok guys. I just got home from a really frustrating wedding where everything was running super behind and I had to stay an extra hour...but I'm too nice to ask for more money for my time :rolleyes: I could vent all night, but I want to think about happy things! So let's continue...

Day 2. March 28th.

I woke up around 7:30 I believe, and I got up to make coffee. I really need to get into the habit of getting it ready to brew the night before so I can be more quiet! Once I stumbled my way with my coffee and book across the room, I sat on the balcony to read for a bit.

It was a lovely morning! This is one of my favorite balconies we've had so far, mainly because of the water :inlove: There was a fountain out there that sounded very soothing. I guess I read for almost an hour, because my notes say we started getting ready at 8:30. We were leaving the room by about 9:15! Not too shabby...

This is so unnecessary for a trip report, but whatever. I started washing my hair either every other day or every third day. This has CHANGED MY LIFE. I get ready so much faster when I don't have to wash my hair. The girl that colored my hair talked me into it, and I love her for it.

Ok so moving on from hygiene habits... We didn't have to wait at all for a bus, but the traffic getting into Hollywood Studios was a MESS. With all the construction, things move super slowly. It only ended up taking us about 30 minutes, but it felt like an eternity. I also waited in a long bag line, so we didn't end up getting into the park until around 10. This would be the last time I took a bag to a park this trip. I've realized it's just not worth it during these super busy times.

We had a FP for Rock N Roller Coaster opening soon, so we headed that way, stopping in some stores of course.

Waiting for our window to open.

I can never pose for this one, but R always makes this goofy face :rolleyes:

When we left, we still had like half an hour before our Tower of Terror FP opened up, and we just decided to skip it. Were we seriously just going to ride one thing and leave? Yep...

On the way out, we say some Citizens of Hollywood and R pointed out that it was the guy from the Magical Express video! Of course I had to stop and watch then.

(the older guy...recognize him?)

This bit was pretty funny. Definitely made me laugh out loud a couple of times!

Looking back on our way out. I don't even think we'll go on our next trip :confused:

Some construction...gondolas, I'm assuming?

We were headed to Epcot for lunch (duh!), and since a boat was sitting at the dock, we decided to walk. I figured the boat would pull away before we got there, and I would have been right!

I had been messaging a woman on Instagram about meeting up, and we were going to be arriving at Epcot at the same time (they were on the boat!) This lady has an account for her precious daughter (tour_guide_grace) and actually commissioned a toddler t-shirt for Grace with my "This Way to the Magic" two-finger point shirt. Her daughter has a rare condition that affects her hearing and kidneys, so she also is a Wish kid and stayed at Give Kids the World! So that was our connection, and I was so excited to finally meet them.

I waved as they got off the boat, and we chatted for a minute. Grace was super shy, so I didn't want to push her. I gave her a pin, and she gave me this sweet little button.

She's a doll! And her mom and dad were so kind. It was great to meet them! I ran into them again in Japan, but just waved. I am such a goober when meeting new people...I never know what to say :hilarious:

We decided to head toward France when we got into World Showcase, so we stopped at Fleur de Lys first, and here's what we got:
  • Tarte à la Tomate Provençale: Provencal Tomato Tart with Sautéed Onions, Fresh Thyme and Rosemary on a Flaky Pastry Crust (V) – $5.50
  • Canard Confit Aux Gnocchi à la Parisienne: Braised Duck Confit with Parisian Gnocchi – $5.75
  • La Vie en Rose Frozen Slushy: Grey Goose Orange, St. Germain Liqueur, White and Red Cranberry Juice – $10.75
Clearly not trying to be frugal here :jawdrop::hilarious:



Slushy (obviously)

This was my favorite booth, and it was our first one! The gnocchi doesn't look like much, but DANNNNNG it was good! The tarte was really good too, but the tomatoes were a bit sad. The slushy was just plain amazing. I will definitely be repeating that in May!

Made R take some France pictures of me in my shirt. I need photos for the Gram! :hilarious:

Pretty, pretty everywhere!

Next up was the Florida Fresh booth. I had R order while I went over to the Morocco bathrooms...(TMI?)

  • Carne Guisada with Black Bean Cake and Cilantro Lime Sour Cream – $6.50
  • Beer Flight (can't remember which three if was)

The carne guisada was SUPER good! I may actually just be really hungry right now, so all this stuff sounds super good...but I do remember liking this. The beer was more for R, but I tried them all and don't remember hating any of them.

Next up was Taste of Marrakesh, which I was really excited for.

  • Fried Cauliflower with Capers, Garlic Parsley and Chili Ranch Sauce – $5.00

Pardon my millennial speak, but YASSSSSS!!! This lived up to my expectations, for sure! I had heard good things, but honestly cruciferous veggies are not my fav (they taste like farts, let's be honest). But these cauliflower pieces were fantastic, and I will definitely be getting these again.

Up next, more Flower and Food fest! :joyfull:
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