Worst smell in WDW


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Original Poster
What in your opinion is the worst smell in all of WDW?

For myself it is the monorails. It smells like the elephant house in a zoo. I dont remember it ever smelling like that years ago.

What are your choices???


Account Suspended
A few places come to mind, most notably the horrific wombat-ish BO odor on the monorails........anywhere smoking is allowed.......and let's not forget the stinkbug spray from "It's Tough to be A Bug".

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I've never had a Monorail smell. They always smelled clean and sterile to me. If anything, they smelled like Windex or New Car Smell.

The worst smell is that mildewey smell from the Splash Mountain logs. I have to wash my hands right after riding it so the smell doesn't carry with me.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
I'd have to say the Splash Mountain logs, or maybe Herbie 53:lol: :p :lookaroun


New Member
Splash Mountain logs are very bad.

But so is the cast bus at 11:00 night full of sweaty people that have been working in kitchens all day. At that time it is usually the Living Seas, France, Morocco, Japan. After picking me up at AA, it usually picked up some from Italy and Germany before reaching Cast Services. I started walking after a while, the stench was too bad on the buses.

Luau Cove

New Member
WDW is full of pleasent smells, there are no UGLY smells at all. Smole is smelly everywhere so it's not fair, I think Disney puts a lot of effort in mantaining nice fragances in the parks and resorts.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by Luau Cove
WDW is full of pleasent smells, there are no UGLY smells at all. Smole is smelly everywhere so it's not fair, I think Disney puts a lot of effort in mantaining nice fragances in the parks and resorts.

Obviously they don't for several reasons: 1. The foul stench on the monorails. 2. The fact they even have designated smoking areas at all.


New Member
The designated smoking areas, and also right outside the park gates were smokers gather....EWWWWW!!!! Not to mention the clubs that allow smoking in PI!

Luau Cove

New Member
Smoking area is needed people. You need to be realistic. I also hate the smell of it, but people smoke and the same people goes to Disney. Luckily they cannot smoke in other parks of the "world".

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