A ride for each country:
Mexico- Three Caballeros
Norway- Maelstrom
China- A rollercoaster following the story of Mulan through the mountains during the battle against the
Huns and ending with Mulan saving the emperor.
Germany- Rhine River Ride (similar to IASW but without the dolls and singing

Italy- TOT type drop ride in the Leaning Tower of Pisa? It would make for a good icon for WS.
United States- a Jungle Cruise type ride through the Florida Everglades including a close encounter with an alligator during the end.
Japan- a rollercoaster into the mountains all the way up to Mt Fuji.
Morocco- any ideas? Cause I got none

France: Ratatouille dark ride? I know a lot of people think Pixar should be consolidated to just DHS, but this would fit too perfectly to pass up.
United Kingdom- Cars 2 themed ride at the final race located in England where Mater saves the world.
Canada- Soarin over Canada?